The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 14

When Yoel saw that William had made an appearance, he sneered, “You came at just the right time, Sullivan! Take your daughter away! I’m definitely killing this kid today!”

Ignoring him, William looked at Kai and uttered, “I’m sorry about your experience here, Mr. Chance.”

His humble demeanor had surprise inundating everyone there.

“No matter. The Scott family is insignificant, so they can’t do anything to me,” Kai answered him with a faint smile.

However, his remark infuriated Yoel once again. “Kid, the Scott family can’t possibly maintain our foothold in Horington if I don’t kill you today!”

After saying that, he turned to his dozens of bodyguards. “Whoever kills him will have a reward of one million!”

The instant they heard about the monetary reward, a greedy look flashed in their eyes, and they all rubbed their palms in anticipation.

“I’ll just see who dares to make a single move! Don’t forget that it’s my territory here, and this is my hotel!” William bellowed.

As his words rang out, several dozens more security guards arrived. The butler of the Sullivan family also rushed over with sweat dripping off his forehead.

“I’ve already conveyed your orders, Mr. Sullivan! The security guards at the Sullivan residence and all other properties are rushing over right now. The bodyguards from the Sullivan residence will be here very soon!” the butler reported to William.

When William nodded in acknowledgment, he retreated to the side.

Meanwhile, Yoel promptly frowned when he heard butler’s report. “Are you planning to battle it out with me just because of this kid, William?”

“Yoel, if you insist on killing Mr. Chance, I don’t mind battling it out with the Scott family. Do you think I’ll be afraid of you?” William proclaimed fearlessly.

The Sullivan and Scott families were equal in strength, so both parties were sure to suffer heavy losses if they were to engage in a fight.

the Sullivan and Scott families were to duke it out, it’d definitely

red, and the

don’t blame me for showing you no courtesy, William! You forgot one thing—Mr.


heard that name, and a chill ran down their

Mr. Lewis was known as Tommy Lewis and was the head of the Templar Regiment.

in Horington that illustrated the capability of the Templar Regiment—even if you offend the Grim Reaper, never transgress against the Templar

head of the Templar Regiment, Tommy was a figure who could send

if you leave with your men now, William!

of William’s eye twitched, and he wavered because Tommy’s name


who saved my life, Mr. Chance. Aren’t you insulting me by saying such a thing? If a fight breaks out later, I’ll have

Josephine clutched at his sleeve

to the secret chamber in the Sullivan residence after fleeing with Mr. Chance. Wait until

William? Do you want me to trouble Mr. Lewis?” Yoel demanded upon seeing that William still hadn’t made his stance

very end, Yoel!” William

guts!” Clenching his jaw, Yoel phoned Tommy

straits. Back then, his father once allowed Tommy to stay overnight when it was raining. Thus,

when they encountered a great crisis, but Yoel was unwilling to accept defeat by not killing Kai that day. That aside, the Scott family would also

was heard. Many people cast their gazes out the window, only to be

surrounded Glamor Hotel. There were hundreds of

weighed William down when he saw that sight.


suits who stood at 1.9 meters rushed in with chilly expressions on their faces.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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