Chapter 69
“Son of a b itch!”
Edgar’s veins bulged as he grabbed Tim by the collar and landed a punch squarely on his face. “Where did she leap from? Where did she land?”
His world spun from Edgar’s punch.
Wiping off the trace of blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, Tim simply grinned, refusing to
Edgar landed a kick in his gut.
Tim tumbled to the ground, rolling in pain. It took him a while to clutch his belly and struggle back to his feet.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Fallen. Even if you beat me to a pulp today, I won’t spill the beans about Grace’s whereabouts.”
“When I find her, I’ll deal with you.”
With that. Edgar stormed out of Tim’s apartment. Before leaving, he ordered his men to confine Tim to his room and assigned guards to keep watch.
Upon leaving the apartment, Edgar dialed a number.
“Zack, I need you to track Grace’s flight from last night and pinpoint her location. Asap.”
Edgar climbed into his car and lit a cigarette, exuding frustration.
By the time he reached his eighth smoke, the phone finally rang.
Without a second’s hesitation, he answered.
“I found it. Her flight from last night crossed a vast mountain range between Frant City and Wind City. There’s a good chance she landed somewhere around there. How’s that for quick?”
Zack’s voice came through, brimming with helplessness, “Didn’t think Tim would have the guts to do this. But that mountain range is massive, Edgar. If she really did jump from a plane, there’s no way she could’ve survived. You sure you want to go down this rabbit hole?”
Edgar’s brow furrowed, his dark eyes twitched uncontrollably, “Alive or dead, I need to see her.”
With that, he ended the call and made a beeline for the mountain range.

Sarah had been chomping at the bit to storm Patric’s villa first thing in the morning.
Hindered by Patric being home, she had to bide her time until the afternoon.
She double-ced Patric’s schedule, and as soon as he had vacated the villa for Angle Group, she
rushed over with a handful of bodyguards in tow.
“Wait and see. Whether you’re Grace or Hedda, I want you out on your ear!” She sat in the back of the Bentley, seething.
The Bentley Bentayga pulled up outside the villa.
No sooner had Sarah stepped out of the car than she was stopped by a couple of bodyguards who had been patrolling outside the villa.
“Miss, this is Mr. Smith’s private digs. He’s not here. Please drop by when Mr. Smith’s at home,” suit-clad, sunglasses wearing bodyguard said, manners on point.
“Who do you think you are, gatekeeping me?” Sarah assessed him with a disgusted up-down-gaze,
Chapter 69
hell-bent on barrelling inside.
The bodyguard blocked her view. “Please go back. Without the order of Mr. Smith, we can’t let anyone in.”
Sarah got irked by his stance and raised her hand for a good smack.
A sharp “Cra ck!” echoed loud and clear in the hushed residential zone.
“I tried being nice asking you to step aside, but no dice, you had to push me to get physical. Let me spell it out for you, I’m Patric’s betrothed, the Grammer family’s second daughter! You got some nerve stopping me?”
Sarah flaunted her status, upping her haughty demeanor.
“Even if you’re his betrothed, you can’t barge in without Mr. Smith’s green light. Please don’t make this hard for us.”
Sarah’s patience was hanging by a thread. “Just a bunch of guards! Don’t bite the hand that feeds. As Patric’s fiancee, I suspect he’s playing host to other women in his pad. What’s wrong with a quick snoop? By all accounts, I’ve got every right. Get with the program and let me in.”
The bodyguards exchanged glances, their once resolute demeanor wavering.
They were well aware of Sarah’s high status and knew better than to rile her up. If things got physical, they couldn’t bear the fallout, so they reluctantly backed down.
After all, she could breach the front door but couldn’t make it up to the third floor.
Sarah gave an arrogant “hmph”, flipped her hair, and marched through the front gate, the guards in
“Quick, tell Mr. Smith there’s a break-in. We couldn’t stop it.” As soon as Sarah stepped inside, the guard gave out his grim instructions.
Susan was tidying up inside the villa when she spotted them, froze for a split second, then blurted out, “Who the hell are you? Bursting into someone’s home in broad daylight! Scram, or I’m calling the cops!”
“Do I need to file a report to visit my own fiance’s villa?” Sarah shot Susan a disapproving look, “Don’t mind her, start the search! We don’t stop until we find what we’re looking for!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you’re crossing a line here!”
Susan dropped her mop to intercept the guards, “Not only are you trespa ssing, you have the audacity to rummage through our stuff!”
“I’ll search however I please.”
Sarah threw Susan a scornful glance, then turned to the guards, “What are you numbskulls waiting for? Do you need me to do your job for you?”
The once hésitant guards sc at tered instantly. Sarah strutted over to the sofa, claiming her spot in one fell swoop.
“You! Do you really think you’re the owner of this place? So what if you’re the Grammer family’s daughter? You don’t hold a candle to Miss Salen!” The outrage bubbled over in Susan, pointing accusingly.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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