Chapter 193
Grace didn’t hold back. Yes, if you didn’t, how could you have been caught?”
Nick smiled, his expression somewhat desolate,
“When did you start suspecting me?”
“Ever since you took out the revolver and asked me to choose between shooting Edgar and Nancy, I felt that something was off about you.”
How could she have suspected me all along? Nick looked at her in disbelief.
She remained expressionless and continued, “It wasn’t until the last time, when you were about to leave Frant City. I accidentally saw the man in black in the bar corridor in that bar, and I encountered the acid incident that day. Then I suspected that you have some connections with the person in Smiths.”
Nick smiled faintly. “So, that’s what happened.”
“Nick, you are the only person I have admired since I was a child. But why did you want to kill me?” He shook his head, still denying it. “I didn’t. The Smith family announced your death earlier. You don’t know how devastated I was. I only found out that you were still alive half a month ago. I pretended to cooperate to come to Frant City and see you.”
“If you still love me, I’ll fight them to the end for you, but… you have an annoying dog by your side!” “That day at the bar, I was standing on the second floor. I didn’t want to do it. It was only when Edgar came in that I knew he would protect you, so I did it. I didn’t want to target you. How could I willingly hurt you?”
He continued speaking, his attractive eyes filled with affection as he looked at Grace.
But Grace had no time to appreciate his good looks; instead, she sneered.
“Don’t you think it’s funny? If he couldn’t help me, it would be me who’s hurt right now. And he claims it wasn’t against me.”
Her eyes grew colder, and she couldn’t be bothered to continue with the nonsense. “Don’t hide it. I tell me, I just want to know who the person from the Smith family that harmed me. As long as you won’t make things difficult for you.”
Nick lowered his eyes, and a sad twitch appeared at the corner of his mouth.
“You might let me go, but he won’t.”
Grace furrowed her brows. “Who are you talking about?”

Nick raised his eyes to look at her once again and said sorrowfully, “Grace, that little pet of yours is not a good person. He’s been using his acting skills to deceive you. He has more secrets than me. Don’t fall for him!”
“He has a secret, I’ve always known that, but I can’t be bothered to dig it up.” Grace’s expression remained indifferent.
After all, she only had a one-year agreement with Edgar.
Nick smiled in surprise. “It seems that you doesn’t care about him too much! That’s good. You should thank me. After all, I solved this clingy problem for you.”
Seeing her frown, Nick’s blue eyes pretended to be surprised.
Chapter 191
“You don’t know? Then he’s really dishonest. You might as well go back and examine his injuries yourself. You’ll know how much he’s been hiding from you.”
To examine his injury?
Grace furrowed her brows. Wasn’t his injury just an ordinary skin burn from sulfuric acid?
She found it strange, but Nick maintained a faint smile on his face, but there was a hint of maliciousness in it, as if he knew something.
“Speak clearly,” Grace demanded.
Nick shook his head, still wearing a smile. “Oh, I’m just teasing. Don’t take it too seriously.
Grace felt a tinge of annoyance, but she couldn’t do anything to him. After all, he held a high position in the military and the world as the director of the secret investigation department. She had no legitimate reason to confront him, and she couldn’t afford to cause trouble for herself and her elder brother.
She withdrew her gaze and turned to leave the hut. As the door closed behind her, Edgar approached.
“How did it go?” he asked.
Grace lowered her eyes and gently shook her head. “Forget it. We already have confirmation that he conspired with others to harm me. Let’s find other ways to investigate the rest. You can let them destroy the evidence and send it back.”
Edgar didn’t agree. Time was running out for him, and he couldn’t afford to wait.
“Grace, if you trust me, leave this matter to me. Within two days, I’ll make him reveal the truth.” “You know his identity. How dare you touch him?” Grace looked at him seriously. “You already attacked him with the wound on his face. Do you want to continue taking the law into your own hands? The secret investigations behind him and the Knight family won’t let you off easily.”
He pursed his lips and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it properly.”
They locked eyes, and Grace was taken aback. His words seemed casual, but there was an unexplainable urge to trust him.
“Okay, then give it a try,” she finally agreed.
Thinking back to Nick’s parting words, her expression grew solemn, “Let’s return to the villa.”
“You go ahead. I’ll take care of things here before joining you,” Edgar said.
Grace’s expression turned serious. “No, come back with me.”
Edgar compromised. “Can you wait for me for two minutes? I need to explain the arrangements to Eric”
She said yes! She was finally willing to wait for him!
Edgar felt a glimmer of happiness in his heart. He took off his suit jacket and draped it over Grace’s shoulders, wrapping her delicate frame snugly. “It’s late at night and cold outside. Go back to the car
Grace didn’t refuse and nodded. As she walked away, Edgar called over Eric, and his face turned cold once more.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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