Chapter 194
The room fell into a tense silence after those words were spoken, creating a delicate atmosphere.
Edgar remained motionless, seemingly stunned by the request. Grace’s brows furrowed. her expression turning dark. “Hurry up, I want to see the injury.”
Edgar’s spirits dampened instantly. So, she just wanted to see the injury, and he had misunderstood her intentions. But wait” an injury? How did she suddenly suspect he was injured? Did Nick tell her something?
“My injury is fine. I’ve been applying medicine for the past two days, and it’s almost healed,” he quickly responded.
Grace gave him a cold look. “Take it cfl’
Edgar hesitated, not making a move. “With a bandage, you can’t see the wound.“
“Tear it off. It’s not a big deal if you need to reapply the medication,” she insisted firmly.
So, she really intended to see it? Edgar pondered how to divert the simation.
Seeing through his thoughts, Grace sternly warned, “Don’t try to deceive ine tonight. You have to take
it off!”
ace, I appreciate your concern for my injury, and it warms my heart. However, it’s late now, I should rest carly. We can see each other tomorrow,” he tried to reason.
Grace gritted her teeth, suppressing the urge to tie him up and forcibly remove his clothes. She retorted, “You yourself said that you would unconditionally chey my orders. Was that just an empty promise?”
Edgar was left speechless, realizing that she was referring to his previous pledge. Reluctantly, he extended his hand towards the gold button on his suit..
Grace observed his movements with patience, rubbing her brows as she waited quietly. Edgar took off his suit and carefully placed it on the tabletop of her dressing table. After a few seconds of hesitation, he proceeded to unbutton his shirt.
As he unbuttoned the two buttons on his chest, he whispered, ‘Should I take off my pants too?” Grace’s frustration boiled over. “I want to see your injury, not you taking off your pants!”

“You said you wanted me to be naked” He lowered his head and complained in a low voice, realizing that his words were audible due to the room’s silence.
“Edgar! Say one more word, and I’ll do it for you. Don’t even think about keeping your pants on. Get out of here and run around the villa fifty times!” she exclaimed, displaying her determination.
Jes us Christ she was ruthless!
Was he really supposed to go out for a run, compromising his dignity and self-respect?
Observing his obvious reluctance, Grace continued to curl her lips. “Or perhaps I should have Eleven and the others find a rope to tie you up and hang you from a tree in the garden. Which option would you prefer?’
He couldn’t bear it anymore! There was no way he would allow such humiliation!
Edgar tightly pursed his thin lips, his Adam’s apple bobbing lightly. Finally, he unbuttoned the last button. He hesitated, about to find an excuse, but was halted by Grace’s sharp gaze.
Running laps outside was out of the question! Being hung up like an exhibit was even more
The Millionaire and His Billionaire Tx-wife
Chapter 191
He refused to undress to show his injuries.
Lowering his gaze. Edgar pondered how to deceive her in this situation. Under Grace’s unwavering gaze, he slowly removed his silk shirt, revealing his strong and perfectly sculpted eight pack abs. However, Grace was in no mood to appreciate his physique at that moment. As soon as Edgar finished undressing, she stood up and approached him, demanding, “Turn over.”
Edgar obediently complied, turning around as instructed. Grace wasted no time and forcefully tore apart the bandages covering his hack. With each layer she removed, the bloodstains beneath became more visible.
As Grace noticed the blood, her movements became gentler. After she removed the last few layers of the bandage, a palm sized burn mark on his hack came into full view.
Grace furrowed her brows, examining the burn mark closely. It had been four days, yet the wounds still appeared red and bl oody, which was quite concerning.
Her fingertips hovered near his back but hesitated to touch the injury. “Your wound is still bleeding, It seems severe. But why doesn’t it resemble an injury caused by sulfuric acid?”
Indeed, the injury appeared serious, and Grace was apprehensive about touching it. Edgar sighed. inwardly. As expected, just one glance from her was enough to see through his deception.
“Why doesn’t it look like it? It was sulfuric acid. There’s blood. I applied medicine during the day, so it didn’t seep through,” he replied nonchalantly.
Grace remained skeptical. ‘Tell me the truth. Do you know what really happened to the injury on your back?”
“Yes, it was sulfuric acid,” he asserted, maintaining a calm and natural demeanor. After pretending to ponder for a moment, he suddenly recalled, “Oh, I remember now. I was hiding in the trunk of a car last night. It seems that when I was fighting with Nick, I accidentally hit my back, causing the bleeding.”
Was that truly the case? Then why did Nick say those things to warn her? Was he lying, or was Edgar?
“Is it just a coincidence? The injury occurred tonight and happened to coincide with your previous injury. Don’t you find that a bit too deliberate?” Grace questioned, her doubt evident.
“What’s deliberate about it? Some things in this world are merely coincidences,” Edgar replied gently. “Although this injury may look severe, it’s actually not serious. Do you really think I’m in bad condition?’
Grace didn’t believe his casual explanation. She had eyes and could assess the severity of the injury herself.
“Turn around and face me,” she commanded.
Edgar obediently turned around to meet her gaze. Towering at 1.88 meters, he stood significantly taller that Grace, who was 168 centimeters tall. As she looked up at him, her neck grew tired.
“Kneel down,” she instructed, recalling the previous incident where he had refused. But this time, he didn’t hesitate. He slowly bent his knees and straightened his back, realizing the importance of chasing after his wife and the insignificance of his pride.
Grace extended her hand, raising his chin to examine him closely. “Edgar, do you think I wouldn’t find out unless you confessed? Mr. Chad Smith is also my friend. If I have him come over to personally inspect your injury, you won’t be able to hide the truth. Consider that carefully.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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