Chapter 184


Darkness, terror, pain – my wolf being torn away.

Blinding light, loss… emptiness.

I wake screaming, for the sixth day in a row. It’s been a week since Leon uncovered the memory of having my wolf bound, and every night has passed in the same exhausting pattern. I stay awake as long as possible, until I can no longer keep my eyes open, and then there is no time to consider calling my mate. The demons descend the moment I relax my defenses, and I’m helpless to keep them at bay.

Phil!ppe rushes in, a familiar look of worry on his face. His eyes go straight to me rather than scanning the room for threats, because by now he’s learned that the greatest threats are in my head. “Are you okay?” He asks, frowning.

I nod, sitting up in my nest and pushing the blankets away, “It’s just more of the same.”

My phone rings at my bedside, and I take a deep breath before answering Sinclair’s call. “Good morning, mate.”

“Good morning, trouble.” He rumbles warmly, “You missed another dream date:”

“I know,” I say regretfully. “Im sorry, I’ve just been so exhausted that I fall asleep before I can think about dreams.” In truth the nightmares claim me before I can hear my mate’s calls, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to admit that to the overprotective Alpha.

Phil!ppe scowls disapprovingly, crossing his arms over his c.hest in obvious admonition for my lie. I shoot him a warning glare to keep his mouth shut, and he offers me one final glower before retreating from the room so we can finish our call in private.

“Turn on your camera, baby.” Sinclair instructs, “I want to see you.

I do as he asks, hoping I don’t have dark circles beneath my eyes. “Where are you now?” I ask, leaning back against my pillows.

His handsome face appears on the screen, deep green eyes drinking me in like a blind man who’s only just regained his sight. Sinclair is still abed as well, and I can see a hint of his bare c.hest at the bottom of the feed, his muscles flexing and relaxing as he gets comfortable. “The White Claw territory.” Sinclair answers, sounding drowsy still. “

cunning and difficult to read. He’s unpredictable too, and I’m not sure how to

don’t give any hint?” I ask, feeling more awake than

deals and alliances. He votes based on what’s best for his

the continent’ card, or point out the resource strain of accepting

nightmares, but hearing his father’s voice always Works wonders

“But I don’t really want

what do you want to talk about?” I inquire slyly, “summit plans? The refugee camp? What color dress I should

discuss why

correct him saucily. “And besides, you’re

voice low and husky. His arm is moving

to remember a certain bossy wolf telling me that my pleasure belongs to him. and forbidding me from touching myself because it’s his responsibility as my màte.”I pull down the fabric to expose one of my b.reasts, cupping the sensitive mound in my hand as I admire my mate. “I think

that so?” Sinclair inquires darkly, his wolf eyes

he can see my fingers training down over my belly and between my legs. “It’s been so long since I felt your touch, Dominic.” I might be doing this for show, but it’s only too true. My wolf has been going crazy without affection from her mate, and I wasn’t far from taking matters into

better I’d think you were trying to earn yourself a spanking. But I’l forgive this much because I’m away, just as long as you

and my l.ust spikes as his own movements become more pronounced. He watches me like a starving man as he rubs his hard member, making me feel beautiful and

I confess, wishing I had both hands free so I could give some attention

thinking about all the wicked things you’re going

orders seductively, shifting his own phone so that I can see down

I finally answer, my voice little more than a whisper. “You’ll k!ss me until my knees go weak… and then you’ll str!p off my clothes and explore evèry inch of my body with your mouth and hands, discovering the ways

to be inside you. After all this is only the first time of many, so I won’t worry about pacing myself

fighting to smother my whimpers as I near the edge. “Don’t you dare drop that phone, little wolf.” Sinclair rumbles, sounding as if he’s barely hanging onto his control. “And don’t you dare come yet, because I’m not done telling you my

I’m so close.”

baby. I’m enjoying seeing what a dirty girl you are.”

shake my head, not sure whether I’m trying to deny his words or hold off the wave of rapture swelling above me. Sinclair

“you’re not loving putting on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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