Chapter 185


I gather Henry, Phil!ppe and Gabriel just after lunch, careful not to hint about my motives for this meeting. Instead I ask them to come to my suite for a chat before returning to their regular daily tasks. Naturally, as my personal guard Phil!ppe would have been here anyway, but when Henry and Gabriel arrive and realize that this is a group discussion rather than a private audience, they automatically sense that something is up – and they’re right.

“What’s on your mind, Ella?” Henry inquires, wheeling over to take a place beside me.

“I have to ask a favor of you all.” I begin hesitantly, knowing that my next request isn’t going to go over well at all. “And while I know this puts you in a very difficult position, I’d like to ask that this conversation remain between the four of us – whether you agree to help me or not.”

Phil!ppe stiffens, and Gabriel’s sharp eyes search my face. “You’re asking us not to tell Dominic?”

“Yes, but I swear that I have good reason.”I insist, the words spilling out of me in a rush. “You all know what happened in my hypnosis session and how many questions it raised about my past. You know how unprecedented all of this is, and that the events I recalled suggest powerful forces at work.” I take a steadying breath to try to stop my voice from shaking. “You must also realize the implications of all this, and how seriously the people are taking these rumors.”

the whispers, or notice the worshipful gazes and gifts raining down on me from the pack. “This is so much bigger than finding

Gabriel inquires, sounding genuinely curious

baby and I will cope better if he’s present, and he’ll be here to take care of me if things get difficult again.” I acknowledge. “But it will also be more stress on him – far more than it is or any of

Henry’s eyes which I understand only too well. “You are Dominic’s Luna, and interfering with any wolves’ mate -let alone an Alpha’s – is forbidden except in cases of a.buse. What’s more, none of us would do or feel differently if it was our own mate in your shoes. I understand you have a tender heart and you’re trying to protect him from unnecessary pain, but that would be a disservice to his wolf. It’s the Alpha’s duty to bear the brunt of the stress and pain for his people, because

should have started by saying that we can’t afford to wait, regardless of any of our wishes. If the people are right.. if things truly are the way they appear

our opponents. It may alter our entire strategy for the war. It would be folly to move forward with our plans when we know we’re missing major pieces of the puzzle. We owe it to our people to do everything we can to bring Damon down, and

exchanging resigned glances which give me hope I’ve finally gotten through to them. They

about the pup?” Henry questions, throwing out one final

first shift- hours of terror and agony that certainly

memory of having my wolf bound.”I remind him, running my palm over my round belly. “I hate upsetting him more than any of you

questions, piercing me with a knowing gaze. “Your stress is the worst thing for the baby, don’t you think it’s worth waiting until you can do this under the best possible circ.umstances?” My stomach fl!ps. Phil!ppe worried me more than Gabriel or Henry from the start, because he knows exactly how

– since he’s glued to my side nearly 24/7. In truth, I sought

not to reveal my nightmares to the others, šaying, “Do you think it’s less stressful for me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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