Cultivators were not afraid of heat nor cold.

Even if it rained blades, they would not be afraid, let alone the heavy snow.

0n the other hand, the warriors would also think nothing of the blizzard as they were vigorous.

At that moment, those who panicked were ordinary people.

Compared to the physique of a cultivator or warrior, they were much weaker.

With the carriage slowing down, the storm roaring outside, and the temperature in the room dropping further, most ordinary people in the room started to feel uneasy.

Later, the children started to cry.

Hence, the adults’ comforting, impatient naggings and the quiet cursing at each other made the carriage noisy.

Even though it was not raucous, it was like countless mad bees buzzing nonstop.

With his hands behind his back, Wesley looked at the snow outside in a daze.

Then, after Maya gently comforted a small child, she walked over and asked, “Elder Wesley, since the carriage is being driven by the formation setup by our Heavenly Stars Sect, is there any way to let it move faster?”

”There is… But there’s no such need now.” Elder Wesley waved his hands.

“It‘s too much of a waste for the formation.”


Without waiting for Maya to finish her sentence, Wesley interrupted her, “Listen to my order, and don’t meddle in other people’s business.”

“That… Alright… Elder Wesley…” Maya reluctantly retreated, sighing helplessly.

“Hey, old woman! Move away!” a voice sounded in the carriage.

Nori and the rest turned over and saw a tall and burly man with a young lady in his arms, cursing at an elderly woman.

“It’s so cold over there! D*mn old woman, it’s quite warm over here.

Since you’re going to die soon, you might as well give me your seat!” The burly man sneered.

“Hurry up! Stop dilly-dallying! Do you have a death wish?”

The elderly woman who was shouted at was an ordinary person.

She appeared to be in her late seventies, and her face was full of wrinkles.

scene, and they

like a sharp knife, and


to help out immediately canceled

woman looked

to stand up for

was as if she would fall if

it, and they wanted to warn

they could even move, they heard Wesley’s voice saying, “Stop right

want to…” Maya

don’t meddle

forget what I

a pleading

not give Nori any chance to

are out for a mission, you must

get into other people’s

there was a rare sternness

time, the elderly woman was already cast away to the corner by the burly

take a seat with the young girl in his

ears, but the young lady giggled

his eyes from

a smug

she did not dare to

glare at the burly man’s

disappointed at Wesley‘s aloofness, and he finally understood Noah’s


of outsiders, but he

had no choice but just to

outside the window

the blizzard

was white

as if a white beast

carriage once again fell silent, and only the sound

moving forward, everyone might suspect that time

knew that their arrival at Moonbright Town would be greatly

she wanted to shut her eyes and

same time, he also emitted

was stunned, and she felt her hair

herself down and whispered,

at the heavy snow outside, and he slowly narrowed

“Something’s in the snow!”

and she got closer to the window,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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