Maya finally recovered from her panic, and she looked at Boneng.

“Thank you, Casper.

What… What was that?”

At the thought of the hideous and terrifying-looking, Maya’s complexion was ashen again, and she trembled.

“I’m not sure.” Omas shook his head.

Despite killing that strange thing, Omas could feel that the creature’s vitality was highly shocking.

When he stabbed a hole through the creature’s chest, he almost shattered its heart and lungs immediately.

Even so, the strange thing in the snow still had the remaining strength to attack before it died.

Then, Omas connected the incident with the abnormal blizzard, and the uneasiness Omas felt before started to become more intense.

The crowd gathered at the front of the carriage, huddling one another.

Fear was written on everyone’s face.

“It’s a monster!”

“Why would that monster break our carriage?!”

“Such an incident never happened before!”

“Are we going to die?!”

Pessimism and fear spread in the carriage like a plague.

However, the crowd only managed to wail for a moment before the carriage suddenly swayed.

Then, muffled banging sounds could be heard from the vehicle’s roof, as if something heavy fell on it.

When he heard the movement, Omas’s heart sank.

Then, just as everyone looked at the roof in confusion, a loud bang came, and the vehicle’s top immediately burst open and overturned.

Next, a white silhouette leaped into the carriage along with the snowstorm, shaking the entire carriage.

At that time, Omas finally saw the strange being’s actual appearance.

It appeared like a white gorilla, and it was a head taller than an adult man.

Moreover, its bulging muscles were filled with energy, and it had hideous features.

fangs, the strange creature was

It was a monster!

eye, Omas noticed several shadows


let out another scream of horror at

that the yelling angered

started grabbing at

same time, the entire vehicle shook

as if the monsters crawled all over the

as he was about to rush forward, a grey light flashed at the

dashed toward the

sword drew out in anger, drawing a sharp arc from top to

directly slashed the monster in

happened at one go,

and Maya

the elder that they

slouching, he appeared to be full of energy and vitality that

also burst with brilliant

between before and after

Wesley suddenly bent down and slapped at the bottom of the

thud, a faint golden light forming a circle appeared among the flying

one after another, and it appeared extraordinarily mysterious

formation!” Omas

was indeed aware of the location of the formation in

Wesley took out a brush from his chest and started to draw a few strokes

array burst out in dazzling golden

speed fastened by at least five times before,

figures crawling on top of the carriage were flung out, and they looked desperate and indignant as the blizzard

doing everything, Wesley breathed out a

leave the carriage! Those

was a cultivator, and everyone listened

carrier increased, so their restless hearts were slightly

not long after the carriage drove away, a sudden scream came


thousands of armies


a troop of millions converged into a

changed, and he

was also afraid, and they all peeped at

blizzard, figures appeared

white snow leopards with a longhorn on their head and snow deers with

more Snow Wolf-Apes that attacked the carriage

glance, there appeared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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