“Golden Icebreaker Cranes!”

When Sonya heard the name, he shuddered, and his eyes flickered.

Like the Carnassial-Toothed Snow Leopards and Arctic Sky Deers, the Golden Icebreaker Cranes were also monsters, but they could fly!

In that vast and endless snow, the massive group of Golden Icebreaker Cranes was just like a formation of death!

If the passenger did not want to stay in the carrier to survive, then it would be equivalent to obediently giving away their lives to these monsters.

After all, the Golden Icebreaker Cranes could rush down at any time, and the surrounding monsters could also chase after them.

Moreover, based on the carriage’s speed, the monsters might destroy their vehicle before they could even reach Mirefield Gate, let alone the Moonbright Town.

However, if they took the initiative and attacked, they might be torn into pieces just like the previous cultivators and warriors who rushed out before they could even locate the Golden Icebreaker Cranes.

“This… Sir…” Suddenly, a warrior walked out from the crowd, and he appeared somewhat frightened.

Perhaps it was because he faced a cultivator, or maybe because the current situation scared him.

“Do you have any other way to make the carriage move faster?”

Wesley pondered for a moment before answering, “Don’t worry.

With the current speed, the monsters won’t catch up to us, and I promise to protect all of you.”

A flame of hope burned in everyone’s eyes when they heard Wesley’s reply.

However, as if to add a little more confidence to the situation, the warrior plucked up the courage and asked, “Pardon me, but may I know which sect you’re from?”

At that moment, Sonya felt as if Wesley’s slouching figure straightened.

The color on the gray robe disappeared, and it was replaced with the Heavenly Stars Sect’s iconic white tone.

Next, Wesley flashed the star logo on his sleeve and proudly declared, “I’m Wesley Young from the Heavenly Stars Sect, and these are our disciples, Casper Montgomery and Maya Kaye.

We‘ll surely protect everyone and make sure of your safe arrival in Moonbright Town.”

Sonya and Maya showed their white robes…

Sonya could see that everyone’s eyes lit up with hope when they showed their identities.

to have triggered something in

about it carefully, he still could not pinpoint

the Heavenly Stars Sect!

solemn atmosphere

everyone smiled, the despair in their

walked to the

he took out

a storage

that it

the item needed for the task to Alder, it naturally hinted at

Wesley, what are you doing?” Sonya

in these few

he glanced at the white snow

like a clap of thunder, slamming into the bottom of everyone’s

old, and there are parts where I can’t be

it this time, please bring this storage sack to


this is only a

all, the situation isn’t that

horrible, but Sonya and Maya were no

felt the unprecedented danger from

Wesley ignored the two and waved his

the end of

Maya walked toward the middle of the

sat alone at the rear of the vehicle, facing the snow-covered earth

as if he stood

enhanced to its extreme, the carriage broke through the

that they would pass the Mirefield Gate about an hour

the monsters chasing over them would no longer be

there would be no danger

was no hint

appeared even more solemn than

troops and fought in wars, he understood how

the monsters’ target were the carriage, then they would understand that once they entered

the journey before entering Mirefield Gate was the

long scream suddenly sounded among the snowstorm as if it tried to confirm Sonya’s

Golden Icebreaker Crane! On

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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