The Return of the Hidden Prince

Chapter 15 Meeting Tiger Zhang

“So where is your new chairman?” Asked Dachun Zhang, Tiger was also curious about it.

“He’s taking his time in the VIP lounge, you’ll all meet him when the paty begins.”Said Dachun.

Dachun had to leave a positive impression on the new chairman so that the cooperation between Huading and his company may continue, so he said:”Mai I visit him in the lounge now?”

“I’ll tell him about this, but it’s up to him to decide whether he wants to see you.”

“Okay, then please tell him that I would dearly like to see him now.” Smiled Dachun. His company ran local construction materials buisseness and was rather less competitive, he had to try his best to gain as much help as possible from Huading, the top company in the Southwest.

Josh’s phone rang soon after Bill left, it was Bob.

“Hey, Bob.”

“Sir, the president Zhang of Hongda Construction Materials and his son, Tiger Zhang, would like to see you in the lounge now.”

“Tiger and his dad, interesting.”Said Josh, thinking back on what happened yesterday in the school, how Tiger threatened him but now Tiger and his father were trying to cotton up to him. It’s truly a mad world

“Okay, get them up here.” Said Josh and then he hang up the phone.

Meanwhile at the entrance of the hotel, Dachun asked as Bob hang the phone up:”So, did he agree?”

“Yes, I’ll take you there to the lounge.”

“Awesome!” Exclaimed both Dachun and Tiger, not knowing that it was Josh waiting for them there.

“Please follow me.” Said Bob as he walked into the hotel and headed for the lounge.

“President Liu, could you tell me more about this young chairman of yours? I heard that he’s quite young and has powerful connections.”Asked Dachun.

“Both of it are true, young, and probably the most powerful connection.”

“Oh...” Dachun and Tiger got more curious,”So what exactly is it, the connection he got?”

“He’s the grandson of Moses Liu.”

“Moses Liu?” Dachun and Tiger were more of scared than surprised, since Moses, the founder of Huading Group and the wealthiest man in the Southwest, was someone they never even dared think about having the chance to even get close to.

“That’s really a...powerful connection.” Murmured Dachun.

“Dad, this is really happening! We have the privilege to meet a Mr Big now!” Said Tiger.

“So be extra careful, son, mind your language and manners!” Said Dachun, for he knew how much this meeting could bring him if things worked out well.

“Sure I will, dad, don’t worry!”

Soon they all arrived at the lounge, Bob knocked on the door and was met with a voice from inside:”Come in.”

The next moment, Josh was sitting of the couch, waiting for his revenge as Bob, Dachun and Tiger walked into the room, and the smile on Tiger’s face froze as soon as he recognized Josh.

“Jo...Josh?” Tiger thought to himself, completely in shock. He double checked the room and found no one else.

“President Zhang, and Tiger Zhang, this is Josh Lin, out new chairman.”

It was at that moment that Tiger had the feeling of he might had fucked things up.

Dachun didn’t know the grudge between Josh and Tiger, he just bowed and said:”Greetings, chairman Lin, I’m Dachun Zhang, the president of Hongda Construction materials.”

Then Dachun looked to Tiger and found that Tiger remain silent and still as if lost. He frowned and uttered:”Manners, Tiger!”

“ can this be?” Tiger was nearly screaming from shock, for it could be the last thing in the world that he would imagine that Josh was the new chairman of Huading’s branch in Qingyang city.

“Tiger! What are you doing!” Dachun was pissed and just kicked on Tiger’s leg.

“It’s okay, Dachun, don’t be mad. We know each other, and we’re classmates.”

“Classmates?” Dachun was shocked.

Josh rose from the couch and slowly walked to Tiger with a subtle smile:”How are you doing, buddy? I told you yesterday that we could see each other at the party, see?”

“ can you be the new chairman? And the grandson of Moses Liu? Something must be wrong in this!” Tiger was still trying to deny it.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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