The Supreme God

Chapter 10 Stronger Than You’ve Imagined (Part Two)

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Both of their vital energies violently burst out at the same time, and collided between their fists and palms.

The powerful force from the collision forced Austin to back down several steps.

"Again!" Austin yelled and rushed forward once more.

This time, he used another martial art skill called the Roaring Tiger Fist, which was characterized by a fierce and powerful attack.

Two figures suddenly moved and leaped through the forest. They were so fast that they had already intersected thrice in a blink of an eye.

'How?' Rafat asked himself.

He was genuinely shocked.

He then found out that even though Austin was only at the third level of the Energy Gathering Realm, his body had extremely rich amounts of vital energy.

He possessed three or four times the amount of the average person at his level. Thus, Rafat found it hard to resist Austin's power for a long time.

After they had faced each other in battle three times in a row, Rafat felt his injuries had been aggravated.

He thought that if they continued to fight like this, he would likely be defeated by the grunt disciple at the third level.

Meanwhile, blood dripped from the corner of Austin's mouth. His hand swiped at it and he shook his fist.

When he looked down, he found that his fists were red and swollen, and his arms were numb.

However, his insanely strong fighting spirit completely dominated him and made him unaware of his physical pain.

Determination filled Austin's eyes as he stared at Rafat once more, like a wolf hunting in the wild.

He eyed Rafat like his prey that he would soon kill and eat.

"Son of a bitch, I admit you are probably the most powerful person I've met at the third level of Energy Gathering Realm.

But if that's why you think you can beat me, you're daydreaming.

I'm much more powerful than you have imagined," Rafat hissed.


at the third level of Energy Gathering Realm before, and they had all bowed before him. They were

tonight were different. Denali and Austin were both at the

made him taste failure again and again.

as he was consumed

so he made his next move.

Bath Magic!" he

he bit the tip of his tongue. Three

blood gushed out, it quickly turned into three

each other and continued to spread, illuminating the

to toe. He was

blood-curdling spirit, and it

and screams, together with the disgusting

hairs on Austin's back stand on

power was on par with a

in strength, and Austin knew that his

at Austin with contempt in his scarlet eyes

hell!" he

rushed forth and

helplessly when he felt that he could no longer control his limbs because of the red fog.

of desperation, he had no choice but to channel all his vital energy

shrieked from where

felt Rafat's immense power. Both she and Austin were in the same boat now. If Austin won, she would be safe. If not, then Rafat would also kill

she tried her best to warn Austin at


and he felt that all his internal organs had been hit hard

the red fog,

recoiled and punched

had no power to fight back now. His strength was too weak compared to the power of the Earth

mouth and stained his

the collar with his left hand and threw him

to hell!" Rafat yelled coldly.

was visible to the naked eye, turned into countless little snakes and swarmed madly around

little snakes suddenly fused to form one huge red snake.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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