The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 336-340

Chapter 336

This phone call makes Yue Feng so excited that he can’t sleep!

The Duan family has been destroyed by the Hall of Longevity!

Under Leiyun’s plan, Duan Tianya, the head of the Duan family, was killed, and the four adopted sons: Duan Feng, Duan Yu, Duan Lei, and Duan Dian were all captured alive. These four were tied to the entrance of the Hall of Longevity. inside.

As for Duan Yu, he was slashed more than 300 times by Yue Feng before, and his injuries have not recovered.

However, when the battlefield was finally cleaned up, Duan Yu’s body was not found. He is missing.

But Lei Yun firmly believed that Duan Yu was so badly injured that he would not be able to live at all.

When it came to the end, Lei Yun said with emotion: “Master, this Duan family really does all kinds of evil, their main source of income is Huang He Gam, and they have several large casinos, not only that, but many hotels under their name, They are all suspected of illegal sex business, and they even oppress the people locally. In Yunzhou City, when it comes to the Duan family, ordinary people dare not speak out.”

Yue Feng was very excited and gratified, frowning: “Take those illegal All the industries are closed, by the way, after we take over the means, we can’t bully the local people, you know? We just do regular business and are not allowed to break the law!”



Early the next morning, Yue Feng I arrived at Shangwu Academy.

The extermination of the Duan family made Yue Feng very excited. He slept beautifully last night and woke up in the morning, feeling refreshed.

When he arrived at the classroom, he saw that Sun Dasheng had already arrived.

Yue Feng walked over with a smile, and as soon as he sat down, he felt that the atmosphere in the classroom was not right.

Everyone around looked at him with a half-smile, and his eyes were full of ridicule and mockery.

Yue Feng sighed. No need to guess, they must have known everything about the alchemy conference yesterday.

Yue Feng just pretended he didn’t see it, smiled and whispered to Sun Dasheng: “Dasheng, I have good news for you. The Duan family has been destroyed.”

Of course, good things must be shared with good brothers.

When Sun Dasheng heard this, he immediately laughed: “Hey, Fengzi, I also learned about this last night. It is said that there is no one left to live, Mad, just think about it, it’s just a goddamn happy!

” The pity on his face: “I just don’t know who did it, otherwise, I must thank him well.”

Just as the voice fell, a beautiful figure entered the classroom, it was Teacher Su Qing.

The first session was an alchemy class. Su Qing was wearing an emerald green skirt today, giving her a fresh and refined feeling, with a unique flavor.

Teacher Su is so beautiful.

Many boys in the class couldn’t help but sigh.

However, I also noticed that Su Qing seemed to be in a bad mood today, and there was a hint of melancholy between her eyebrows.

Obviously, at the alchemy conference yesterday, she didn’t get results, and she is still very depressed.

Yue Feng sighed secretly, wondering if he should find a chance to comfort him.

At this moment, Wang Naipao said with a smile: “Teacher, I heard that you participated in the alchemy conference yesterday.”

As soon as these words came out, all the students in the classroom looked at the teacher.

In fact, what happened yesterday has long been spread in the class. They didn’t want to see Su Qing’s joke, but wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate Yue Feng.

Su Qing’s face flushed, and when she mentioned yesterday’s alchemy conference, she felt ashamed, and hummed softly.


Seeing Su Qing nodding , Wang Naipao turned to look at Yue Feng with a full face of sneer: “Yue Feng, you can also make alchemy? Why didn’t you help Teacher Su win the championship?” They all followed suit.

“Yeah, Mr. Su, you trust Yue Feng too much. How could his son-in-law be able to make alchemy?”

“Yes, if it weren’t for his nonsense, how could Mr. Su have lost so badly that he didn’t even make the top ten.”

Yue The wind was too lazy to pay attention to these people, just smiled lightly.

Su Qing was a little anxious, and stopped: “Don’t talk about it, in fact, yesterday’s alchemy conference, I made a mistake, it has nothing to do with Yue Feng.”

Yin Zheng couldn’t help standing up and sneered: “Teacher, don’t talk about it, everyone is heartbroken. It is clear that Yue Feng is holding you back, you are kind-hearted, and you are embarrassed to say it.” After speaking

, he turned around and said, “Yue Feng, because you lost so badly, Mr. Su, you have nothing to say or think about. Did you say that?”

Chapter 337

Yue Feng is speechless.

Nima, these things.

Lao Tzu and Su Qing participated in the alchemy conference. Does it have anything to do with you?

One by one is babbling around here.

Yue Feng was a little hot.

Before he could speak, Tang Xin also stood up and said contemptuously, “Yue Feng, you are too embarrassed to sit here, if I mess up the teacher’s game, I will not have the face to come to school.”

At this moment, Sun Dasheng couldn’t bear it . Stopped, clapped the table, stood up, looked around, and shouted angrily, “Are you all full? It’s none of your business if Feng Zi and Teacher Su go to the competition. “

As soon as Sun Dasheng opened his mouth, all the students in the class were silent.

Zheng stood up and said bravely: “Sun Dasheng, let’s be honest, Yue Feng is not arguing, what are

powerful in Donghai City, this is

“Go to Nima.”

ignored the school rules, took out a steel pipe from the desk hall, and

Great Sage, what do you care about

a hundred laps in the playground because of a

“Fengzi, these people are so rude,

Zheng also felt confident, pointed at Yue Feng

while, the classroom

was very anxious and said, “Okay, classmates, don’t

Qing felt very guilty

was originally his own mistake, but he didn’t expect that all the blame would go to

quieter, but many people still whispered about

sudden sound of footsteps at the door of the

is that Mr.

was standing

Qing was about to give a lecture when she heard this

students in the class

man has a good temperament, wouldn’t he be Teacher

moment, the man walked in, holding an antique box in his hand, and smiled at Su Qing: “Mr. Su Qing, hello, I’m an alchemist from the Jiangnan Alchemy Association. My name is Yu Yang, I’m on purpose. I’m


eyebrows, she didn’t even make the top ten yesterday, how could

students in

What is the situation.

Yue Feng played in place of Teacher Su and ruined the

Why are there rewards?

Yue Feng sat there with a smile on his face. It seems that

said that he would compensate Su Qing. As a result, someone sent the reward so early

Chapter 338

the box to Su Qing, and said with a smile: “Our president said that in yesterday’s game, your group was the champion. Yesterday’s misjudgment was wrong. Please forgive me. The reward is the reward of the champion, and please

the man

the podium, her delicate

the medicinal pill, and he actually won the championship! Su Qing couldn’t help but glance at Yue Feng. She only felt that her legs were a little weak. It was the first time she worshipped a

classroom was

going on? ! His son-in-law who came to the house actually won

a word at this time, looked at Yue Feng in

heels and walked up to him delicately, her face blushing because of

to you yesterday, I’ll give you this reward.” ,

Qing’s head was

to win the championship. But in any case, these are all the credits of Yue Feng, and of course the

and shook his head: “Mr. Su, you are too polite, you are the contestant, how

Show off. If I hadn’t seen Su Qing fail, I wouldn’t have played

Su Qing had no choice but to smile and nod before returning to

this class, Su Qing was

asked in a

Xinran had something to do yesterday, so she couldn’t go to the alchemy conference. But before I came to school today, I heard a lot about the competition. For example, a disciple of the Shaolin sect refined a solid

by Yue Feng were even rarer

while, then smiled: “It’s nothing,

you a favor? I’m a friend of mine. , I need to refine

smiled: “Okay then.”

spoke up. I’m always embarrassed to refuse, haha. After all, she invited herself to

does my friend

can be used.”

thousands of medicinal herbs are recorded. As long as it

this man was the son-in-law who came to the house and said he was useless, but he…he didn’t seem to be

and secretly directed

is fine, but the goddess actually asked him for

Dasheng said to Nalan happily: “Goddess, if you have other things and need help, you can find me. My contacts in Donghai City are Niubi. Let me tell you, who is in Donghai City?

smiled happily and interrupted: “Thank you, no

around, Goddess Gao Leng The temperament is


and whispered: “Oh, as

on the podium said with a frown. , glared

Yue Feng, her

Chapter 339

in the

brightly lit at night, a lively

in the eastern suburbs. This villa is backed by mountains and water. The location and

the villa, Yue Feng frowned secretly and couldn’t help but ask, “Nalan Xinran,

Xinran was extraordinarily beautiful. A black suspender dress is charming

relaxedly: “My friend is here, today my girlfriends and I are holding a party here. This villa, I bought yesterday, is In order to play with friends, we play together, and we don’t want

bought a villa just to play with my

of a wealthy family

the villa, Yue Feng was dumbfounded. In the courtyard of the villa, there was the sound of

this villa is

an open-air swimming pool. The environment is quiet and elegant, and

and a small reception was going on by

beauties in bikinis, holding wine, talking

pool, several beauties

not as beautiful as Nalan Xinran,

a time, seeing so many beautiful curves, Yue Feng only felt that

so many beauties.

pity that the Great

“I’m glad to come.”

one after another. But when they saw Yue

Who is this person?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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