The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 341-345

Chapter 341

Yu Mo stomped his feet angrily and said coldly, “Want me to beg you? Go and dream.”


Yue Feng shrugged indifferently: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t ask, then you can find someone else to make alchemy, and I’ll go.”

After saying this, Yue Feng turned around and was about to leave. As a result, he immediately reached the door, and Nalan happily walked in front of him.

“Yue Feng, you, don’t be angry.” Nalan happily said softly: “Mo Mo really needs this medicine pill.”

Yue Feng laughed. Indeed, if a woman’s yin qi enters her body, her menstrual period is very painful. If there is no Yang Shendan, I am afraid that Yu Mo will be in pain every month when he has his period.

He actually just wanted to tease Yu Mo. Seeing that she didn’t speak at this time, Yue Feng turned around to leave again.

“I, I’ll beg you for her, okay?” At this time, Nalan Xinran was already in a hurry, she was really afraid of Yue Feng leaving! At that time, she gritted her teeth and whispered: “I, can I beg you for Momo. Please…help Momo to concoct alchemy…”

Nalan gladly didn’t expect that she would be able to say such a thing!

In front of the opposite sex, she is an iceberg! But now, she actually said such a thing…

“Sister Nalan!” Yu Mo took her hand and said to Yue Fengqi: “You, wait for me! I don’t need you to make alchemy! I don’t care!”

“Yo!” Yue Feng laughed, feeling that she was very cute. She couldn’t help teasing her and said: “Your sister Nalan begged me, of course I want to help you make alchemy. If you don’t care, I will also help you practice!”

At this time, a group of beauties beside them also frowned, full of puzzled face.

“Xinran, this kid doesn’t seem to be able to make alchemy, isn’t he just bragging?”

“Yeah, alchemists are so scarce, if he can make alchemy, he can sell the pills for money. But looking at him, he doesn’t look like he is rich. Look at the clothes he wears. They are all street goods. “

Yeah, and Yangshen Pill, such a medicinal pill, has long been lost…”

Several girlfriends said one after another.

Yang Shendan is a long-lost elixir.

Now in the cultivation world, those well-known masters of alchemy don’t even know that he can refine them?

Is it intentional?

Nalan readily believed that Yue Feng was not a brave person. At that time, he just smiled: “Yue Feng, come with me.”

Yue Feng nodded and followed her to the second floor. In a room on the second floor, there are many, many precious medicinal materials.

What the hell, so many alchemy ingredients?

Not only that, but there are also some rare spirit grasses.

Nalan happily smiled and said: “Yue Feng, what is needed to refine the Yang Shendan, you just take it.”

In order to help Yu Mo to refine the Yang Shendan, Nalan happily took a lot of materials from the family, but unfortunately there was no pill recipe. , do not know the refining method. Yue Feng was also welcome and selected more than ten kinds of materials.

These materials are not only for refining Yangshen Pill. He also took seven or eight kinds of rare spirit grasses. When refining the Yangshen Pill for a while, I will refine some other pills by the way! Ha ha!

When he came out of the room, Nalan smiled happily and said, “Yue Feng, you can choose a place in this villa to make alchemy. Don’t worry, my sisters will not disturb you.”

After speaking, Nalan Happily went to the swimming pool.

Yue Feng smiled and turned to go to the backyard of the villa. There is a gazebo in the backyard, and the location is not bad.

After finding a porcelain jar, Yue Feng began to refine medicine pills in the pavilion.

At first, Yue Feng was able to calm down.

But gradually, Yue Feng pricked up his ears, and he could hear, from the direction of the swimming pool, the slapstick of the beauties, and the burst of Yingyingyanyan into his ears, which made people a little unbearable.

Nima, so many beauties, so close at hand. And I can only make alchemy here alone. It’s torturous.

After a while, a thud was heard. In the pill furnace, three pills flew out.

Haha, it worked!

Holding the three medicinal pills in his hands, Yue Feng showed a smile.

Chapter 342

The first pill is naturally the Yang Shen Pill that Yu Mo needs.

But when I took the materials just now, didn’t I take a lot of materials? Those materials, Yue Feng did not waste, refining two medicinal pills. One is called Haoqi Dan and the other is called Luoying Dan.

These two medicinal pills are precious. Yue Feng happily put them into his pocket, but at this moment, he suddenly trembled, and he felt a strong aura suddenly appear behind him!

Turning around instinctively, at this moment, Yue Feng was startled.

A bald monk walked over slowly. The monk was short, as if he was only one meter five. But there was a sense of oppression on him.

Although this monk didn’t have a strand of hair, he still had a black scorpion tattooed on his scalp. Nima, the tattoo is on the head!

Although it is a bit of a comparison, this momentum is really bluffing.

The most important thing is that the breath on his body is really terrifying! This person must be a master!

other for a few seconds, Yue

looks like a master of cultivation, it should be Nalan Xinran’s bodyguard,

who would hire a monk as a

didn’t speak, and strode

to the front, without saying a word, he raised his hand and placed it on Yue Feng

taken aback and instinctively wanted to dodge, but he was still a step behind. He was tapped, and


Is this a spot?

at the monk and said, “No, who are

strength is too strong. At

jump, he jumped out of the courtyard

the swimming pool.

sat on the chair by the pool and pouted: “Sister Nalan, that Yue Feng is

now, Yu Mo didn’t believe that he could

she specially sent someone to check this Yue Feng, who was a famous son-in-law

someone who eats soft rice understand

and the other beauties around

must have been deceived by him, I guess, that kid

he saw you were beautiful, but he actually wanted to get close to you.”

He has already participated in the alchemy conference,

those low-level medicinal

even people from the Alchemy Association can’t make medicinal pills like Yangshen Pill. He can? He must want to get close to you, so he boasted

much. If you don’t believe me, let’s go to the backyard to see, he must

this, Nalan happily took the girlfriends and left. To the gazebo in

I got to the back, I saw that the pavilion was empty, and the fire under the porcelain jar


with joy, her eyebrows knitted tightly, and she covered her mouth

at each other, and then couldn’t help sneering: “Xinran, I’m not wrong, this person doesn’t know how to make alchemy at all, he is just cheating you, and now everyone is running away. Xinran, don’t believe it so easily next time. Someone else, this group

of shame and anger, this hateful Yue Feng, even if he bullied me, he even dared to deceive Sister Nalan. . Next time

Chapter 343

Tongtian Island.

brightly lit. Rows of

the monk’s acupuncture point, unable to move. Seeing that he was caught here, Yue

learned the secrets of Nine Dragons Ascension to Heaven,

with the sect master’s wife,

thinking of this, his head

finally walked to a room and knocked

this… room, seems to be the room of the


in a low voice,

“Well, come in.”

from the room, it was

and walked in, threw him directly on the ground, turned around

Nima, take it easy!

the moment he raised his

purple dress, with a delicate and delicate body, which was incomparably graceful. The charming and unparalleled face is


Feng couldn’t help swallowing

few days, the lady looked even more

angrily: “Yue Feng, what are

and threw them out, just hitting Yue Feng’s


asked with a wry smile: “Madam, it’s

you are too late. If you don’t come, have you forgotten it? As Venerable Tongtian, you don’t come to celebrate the Sect Master’s birthday, do you know what the crime is? You have to thank me

Feng patted his head.

to inform him, but these days, he was identifying antiques and attending an

his eyes and looked at Qin Rongyin with a smile: “Madam, you are worried about me. You are afraid that the leader will kill me if he gets angry. You won’t be able to see

of shyness came out, and then she glared at


since the last time I separated from him, I often think

after experiencing the matter of men and women, he fell in

am the

to himself, Qin Rongyin changed the subject: “Yue Feng, how is the task I gave

she seemed very happy after seeing me. Still pretending to

Chapter 344

me, will she? Thinking of this, Yue Feng replied with a smile: “How dare my subordinates forget the task that Madam gave me. Now I have mixed into Shangwu Academy and am a student of

so easy to steal from the principal. Until

you can give me good news

“Madam, to be honest, this task is not easy to do, you don’t know, I have sneaked into the principal’s office several times, but I didn’t find it. Recently, I was found by the school security, and I was almost beaten to death, and now

witty. I can’t believe you


beautiful face showed some concern. She walked over and asked uncontrollably, “Are you injured? Where is

Qin Rongyin, I don’t even understand why I care so much about

came, Yue Feng also became bold, he hugged her in his arms, and said with a glib smile: “Madam, this subordinate is not hurt, it’s just that I haven’t seen her for several days.

Madam already

of shyness. I wanted to struggle, but I could smell Yue Feng’s masculine scent, and he lost

you…” Qin Rongyin was shy and angry, but

didn’t let go, but in the next second, Yue Feng leaned over and


last time I was taken advantage of by

I heard a loud

“Haha, madam, madam…”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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