Undeniably, Shirley had raised Xavier's biggest concern.

He knew what kind of person he was; If he acted on a whim and hurt Leia, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

Time passed, and everyone was waiting for Xavier's next move...

But in the end, he didn't say a thing.

"What a coward!" Having lost her patience, Leia swung open the door and left.

She went to the washroom and splashed some cold water on her face.

She looked at herself in the mirror, angry at the emotions in her eyes.

She slapped herself fiercely.

over and over again!" After calming herself

standing outside, and he smiled gently

saw the


Dalton, you...

something more than friends, but she hadn't paid attention to it because of Xavier's meddling and Renee's

Stiygro to shoot a movie, so they hadn't been in touch for

his for a long time, but

was a pleasant surprise to meet

I wouldn't see you again!" Before she realized what she was doing, Leia threw her arms around his neck and

helplessly, nervously asking, "What

too much." Leia was shocked by her actions and immediately let go of

and I get angry and cry because of them." She hadn't

like him make her cry? He wasn't worthy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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