Leia felt much better after hearing that.

She checked the time and was disappointed to see that the ceremony was far from over.

If she left now, she would seem like a coward...

but she needed some courage to return to the hall.

She wrung her hands, wondering if she should stay or leave.

"What's troubling you?" Santiago instantly noticed Leia's anxiousness and said softly, Tell me if you need my help." "Ah, it's nothing.

You don't have to worry about my petty problems," Leia waved him off and said casually.

She knew that she was a fool in love, and she was too embarrassed to tell Santiago about it.

Besides, he had once told her that Xavier was unreliable, and yet, she was still letting Xavier mess with her head.

be embarrassing to bring it

lowered his

I thought I wouldn't

I didn't really need to come back here." Leia looked at him and asked curiously, "Yeah,

doing work abroad, and I heard

the chance to work alongside an Orlena-winning actor as the male lead of a

After a pause, Santiago said carefully, "I've been thinking about something lately,

Can you tell

not knowing if she was really that

Confused, Leia looked

thought about it for a while, then her eyes

Heart of the Grassland, right? I heard from fans that you like this novel very much and hoped to be the male

bad timing because they already picked a male lead whom my friend recommended, and I guess they can't

movie given your temperament, so it's not a loss if you didn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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