To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 52

Chapter 52 I No Longer Have a Father

Jenny didn’t mind it at all. Once the man left, she asked Joey, “How do you feel? Are you uncomfortable?”

“I’m… I’m fine,” he said, giving her a feeble smile. His face flushed slightly.

When facing his father, he could be cold, but with Jenny, he felt a little embarrassed.

“Tell me if there are any problems. I’m the doctor in charge of you,” she said.

Joey nodded. He was then reminded of something and instantly looked upset. “I… I don’t have the money to pay for the medical bills.”

He had heard that the doctor before him was famous, and that the surgery would not come cheap. He was just a child. There was no way he could afford it.

Mr. Little had said those things because he knew Joey had no money-he had no means to pay for his education and livelihood, let alone the hospital. He expected Joey to come begging.

“It’s okay. The hospital has medical aid. You don’t have to worry about it. Just lie back and rest.” Jenny’s heart couldn’t help aching when she saw him like this. Although she had no parents, she was far more

blessed than he was.

She was worried that Mr. Little had gotten into

nodded. His gaze dimmed. “I will tell

meant that he would not let her go. “And your father…” She was still

father.” Joey couldn’t help smiling when he spoke, but

“Rest well, Joey. You can ask for me if you

“Thank you,” he said.

walked out of the room. There was a burden on her chest. Kids at sixteen were supposed to be carefree, but he had to deal

the way of Joey’s recovery. Then, she called Zack, telling him

the employees were feeling the dreariness of

department had suffered a scolding from Alec. Everyone understood that he

way, but as the

the financial report you requested.” Vincent

muttered a reply, busying himself with

his teeth at the sight.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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