To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 53

Chapter 53 You Don’t Want to Be Friends with Me

Jenny got off work on time at six in the evening, which was rare.

She wanted to invite Stephanie to dinner and catch up on things with her family, but before her call made it through, a red car stopped in front of her.

The windows rolled down, and Max’s handsome face appeared in her field of vision.

“Hey, Dr. Walter. You’re probably free enough to have dinner tonight, aren’t you?” He was smiling, but Jenny could definitely sense the domineering aura on him. She couldn’t refuse.

She felt exasperated. He just couldn’t wait. The promise was only made yesterday, and he was already looking for her. It was just as well-she didn’t want to owe him for too long.


“Get in.”

They went to Elcantina, a famous Mediran restaurant in Parrington.

Jenny remembered the food that Max had ordered for her last night. “You seem to be fond of spicy things.

about you?” Max

food much. However, since she owed Max, she had to let him have

like it,” she said,

We won’t argue about what

was rendered speechless and pretended as if she had heard nothing. Once this was over, she would not entertain Max so much. She wanted to avoid

Max handed Jenny the menu. “Choose what you

can place the orders. I’m not picky.” She knew little about Mediran food and had never been to this restaurant before. She didn’t know what would be

them, then

Jenny and said, “You still haven’t told me your name. I can’t keep calling you Dr. Walter, can I? It sounds so

mean to conceal her name. It didn’t matter


“It sounds lovely. So

wasn’t sure if she was comfortable with him calling her by her first

Max.” He chuckled at Jenny, and she grimaced slightly. “Or

still uncomfortable with it, but she couldn’t stop him from calling

shortly after, and they ate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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