To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 33

Chapter 33 What Did You Just Say?

“Dr. Walter!” Alec gnashed his teeth.

Jenny looked nonchalant. She really wished to see him panic, but as a doctor, she couldn’t do that to a patient.

Yes, a patient. In her eyes, Alec was a patient.

No one would pass out because they were afraid of the dark unless they had severe psychological issues or had experienced something that would make them react negatively to the dark.

“I was joking.” Jenny put the phone back and said righteously, “Although I don’t like you, I’m not the type to rub salt in someone’s wound.”

Alec cradled the phone in his hands and looked at her. “You’ve admitted that you don’t like me.”

“Yeah. There’s nothing much to admit.” In the darkness, with no one around, they began to talk.

Alec asked. “I don’t

Jenny shot him a look. He wouldn’t be reacting this way if he knew that it was his ex-wife in the elevator

He stared at

anger. “You knew early on that you would stop working with them. So why did you act

did not defend himself. “The news spread pretty quickly.



and ignored

I knew that I would stop working with

smirked and said sarcastically, “You would do anything for Miss Faye

looked at her, his gaze flickering. “I’d like to know how you handle being the internationally recognized Dr. Walker and Mr.

It was amazing if someone could master just one thing in their lifetime,

answering him. She could do more than just those things. But what did they have to do with

glanced at him and asked, “When is that assistant of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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