To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 49

Chapter 49 He’s a Jerk

Jenny nearly burst out laughing, but she held herself together. “Yeah. He’s a jerk!”

“Did he hurt you?” Alec’s eyes shifted. He wished he could punch the bastard in the face.

“Yeah.” She nodded and said, “We were married for two years, but he never paid me a visit. Don’t you think he’s a jerk?”

“He is!” Alec gritted his teeth. A ball of fire surged in his chest. “Who is he?”

You, Alec!

Jenny bit back her laughter and shook her head. “Oh well. It’s all in the past. I want nothing to do with him in the future.”

Alec couldn’t press on when she said that, but he still felt upset. “You don’t have to be so merciful towards jerks. If you find yourself in a pinch, I can help you.”

Jenny noticed that Alec was staring at her. He felt embarrassed. “Don’t take this the wrong way. I was just

pursuing me, Mr. Faust?”

grew quiet

“I’m just helping you on the accord of you

Faye, and Jenny was someone who might be able

I happen to feel nothing for

thought of what he had said, he had to suppress

last night. Do you think your attitude is warranted? “His low voice

that I don’t

“You know what will happen if you don’t give me a

exuding a terrifying aura. He hadn’t managed to ask her the reason before, so he had to get to the bottom of everything

said, “My ex-husband was named Faust. That’s why

couldn’t breathe, Was that it? She hated everyone with his

too much. Not

changed. “Is that so? Little Miss Jenny is really going to hold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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