To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 48

Chapter 48 What Kind of Person Is Your Ex-Husband?

The next morning, Jenny tiredly climbed out of bed. After being tormented by her empty stomach last night, she knew she couldn’t afford to sleep through breakfast.

As she walked toward the kitchen, the doorbell sounded. She was a little surprised. Who would come knocking at this hour?

She opened the door, a little hesitant. When she realized it was Alec, she was so stunned that her jaw slackened.

What was he doing here?

“Have you eaten?” he asked.

Jenny shook her head. Right as she was wondering what he was doing, he stepped in with a pack of food. The restaurant’s name, The Crispy Buns, was clearly branded on the packaging.

Jenny knew about The Crispy Buns. It was a really popular place in Parrington. People said their food smelt amazing, and she had always wanted to try it.

Could Alec be bringing her breakfast?

“Eat it. It’s still fresh.” He put the food on the table.

to stand there for a long time before acknowledging that this was not all just

wanted to eat it too. This was just an afterthought,” he answered.


felt like this wasn’t real. “I didn’t know you were so nice, Mr.

sarcastic, but she truly did think

hadn’t heard her sincerity. A smile appeared briefly on

Jenny scoffed to herself.

ate in silence as they ate. Neither of

suddenly remembered the information that she had found last night. She glanced at Alec, and he caught


going to accompany Ms. Lawrence? Aren’t

He was unusually serious. “It’s not what


think of you the

up?” Alec noticed how weird she was

planning on letting Alec know what

behind her back. Of course Jenny had to

know all this. He would back Faye up. Telling him was equivalent to committing.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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