To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Divorced

their grandfather, they fell quiet for a moment. Zack broke the silence, whining, “I don’t know what Grandpa was thinking. Why would he make you marry that bastard Alec? He treated you as if you were invisible for the entire two years of your marriage!” If Jenny hadn’t stopped him, Zack would have taught Alec Faust a lesson ages ago. In contrast to Zack’s outburst of anger, Jenny was much calmer. “It’s not too bad. We respected each other’s space and boundaries for the past two years. He never visited the Faust mansion since we got married. I bet he doesn’t even know what I look like.”  After two years, the married couple should have been each other’s closest person. However, for some ridiculous reason, they had never met each other. No one else would have been able to accept such a marriage, but Jenny accepted her situation. To begin with, she had been reluctant to marry Alec, but she needed to fulfill

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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