To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 99

Chapter 99 It’s Too Late to Apologize

The two found a table at the joint and sat down. Alec showed his dislike of the surroundings clearly on his face, causing Jenny to laugh.

“You don’t seem to like this environment, so why did you choose to live at Perry Residence?” she asked. If you lived at the Faust Mansion, you wouldn’t have to put up with this kind of place within ten miles.”

Alec didn’t answer. The Faust Mansion was a private property with few people in its compounds, which was perfect for a picky person like Alec. He used to live at the Faust Mansion before he got married, but after the marriage, he didn’t want to live there because Jenny was there, so he found a place near his company. However, after getting divorced, he was going to move back, but he hadn’t expected to see Jenny again. Now, he wasn’t sure if he still wanted to move.

Jenny looked at Alec for a few seconds, then said sarcastically, “It’s not easy for you. You couldn’t go back home after getting married.”

She didn’t bother hiding her sarcasm, but Alec didn’t mind. Smiling lightly, he replied, “If you suddenly had a wife, you would have done the same.”

“Don’t compare me to you,” Jenny said, disgusted. “I know how to face things directly instead of avoiding them.”

would have met herself at least once to explain the situation. She wouldn’t be like Alec, who disappeared

resentful toward Jenny, who came into his life unexpectedly as his new wife. Who knew that

was wrong,” he said, not even

was caught off guard by his apology, but she quickly came to her senses.


They had already divorced.


she asked, “What do you want to talk to me about? If you


him, but it was just out of anger

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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