To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Don’t Tell Me You Like Me

Sitting across the table, Alec continued to drink, leaving Jenny’s question unanswered for a while.

A thought crossed her mind as she looked at him. “Don’t tell me you like me?” she asked.

Despite her expectations for a righteous denial, Alec remained silent.

Feeling nervous, Jenny swore at him. “You’re crazy!”

Alec put down his glass and replied, “I’m crazy if I like you? What kind of logic is that!”

Jenny countered, “It’s fine if others like me, but not you.”

“What sort of psycho only fell in love after his divorce?” Jenny wondered to herself.

Alec sighed, “You know, sometimes I think… if I had met you once during our marriage, we’d still be together.”

me you

found it absolutely ridiculous. Alec

conflicted. She regretted her decision to agree to Alec’s request to talk,

up, asked, “Can you give me

the barbeque skewers didn’t taste that good


call me that,” Jenny firmly said. “We’re not

wondered how Alec managed

Max call you that, but

his relationship with her better than her relationship with Max. Jenny, however, didn’t share the

grudges against him. You, on the other hand, are

“How so?” he asked.

said lightly. “There’s no way ex-husbands

in check, Alec countered, “Who made the rule that ex-husbands and ex-wives can’t get

Jenny retorted. The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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