To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Incompatible

Alec was silent for a long time. Just as Jenny thought he was about to get angry again, he said, “I’ll pick you up for the birthday party tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to do that.” When Jenny’s rejection was met with Alec’s murderous gaze, she explained, Max invited me to the party first.”

In other words, Alec was too late. Jenny noted the violent heaving of Alec’s chest, and she guessed that he was on the verge of lashing out in rage.

After remaining silent for so long that Jenny thought he would never speak again, Alec suddenly said, ” Alright then, I’ll wait for you at the venue.”

Jenny didn’t try to provoke him further. After all, offending him would do her no good. She just wanted to set clear boundaries with him.

As she reached for another skewer, she asked, “Won’t you be with Yvonne?”

“Who said that?” Alec immediately retorted. “We grew up together, so we’re just close friends.”

together, and even Alec himself thought that way too. He didn’t feel anything about it as

and the Dickmans could help the Fausts to a certain

two childhood sweethearts?” Jenny asked, giggling. She continued to tease him, saying, “Why don’t you guys just get

meeting Jenny, he knew what it meant

eat?” she asked, noticing that Alec hadn’t touched.

his head before adding, “Since you have stomach issues, you should eat

you see, we’re incompatible. We have

Alec fell silent.

you don’t truly like me. Maybe you just like the chase and the challenge. because I’ve always been a little

the reality of the situation was very high. As

yourself to eat that. I was

it’s your favorite,” Alec announced, disregarding whatever Jenny

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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