To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Killed His Father?

Jenny and Max were enjoying their conversation. She discovered that he was pretty interesting. At least he wasn’t repulsive. As the dinner had come to an end, Jenny followed Gilbert and left together. Before they left, Max said reluctantly to her, “Goodbye, Dr. Walter.”

“Okay, goodbye.” Jenny waved at him before she got in the car and left.

Max finally wiped the smile off his face when the car vanished in the darkness. He reached up to massage his face to relieve the numbness in his cheeks. He turned around just to see Alec standing behind him.

“Alec Faust. Are you trying to scare this late at night?” he said unhappily as he took a few steps back. After all, he couldn’t beat this guy. Alec stared at him with a dark expression.

“Don’t involve unrelated people in our business.”

Max laughed. He rubbed his ears and asked in disbelief, “What did you say? I must have misheard. You actually care about a woman?”

“Max, just because I didn’t bother about childish actions in the past doesn’t mean I won’t take action against you,” Alex said in a deep voice. For years, Max had been giving him trouble. Alec didn’t bother. After all, he was also one of the victims of that incident back then.

However, there was a limit to his patience.

Max’s expression turned ugly upon hearing Alec’s words, “So, you’re saying that I’ve only been getting away with it all these years because you didn’t bother to do anything?”

looked at

as he said, “Alec, stop acting like you’re so mature. Do you

to kill you and your entire family

replied calmly with a look of disdain, “Is that so? I only


in anger. He had only taken two steps forward before he turned around

“No,” Alec answered.

go after her and make her my girlfriend.

soon as he said that, Max felt a sudden drop in temperature, but his smile grew

finally said after a long while. He didn’t say anything more and

gritted teeth, “Up to me? We shall see if you really don’t care or you’re just

Jenny massaged her temples, feeling a little tired. it seemed like she wasn’t cut out for dinners

you know Max?” Gilbert suddenly asked as he drove. He


away from him,” Gilbert said as

to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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