To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Control Yourself, Mr. Faust

Jenny knew that Alec was talking to her, but how dare he use that tone and those interrogative words.

“So you can be with any man out there except for me? Answer me,” he demanded, his voice cold, bearing a trace of fury.

Jenny burst into laughter. She looked at Alec with interest. “Are you questioning me? Who are you to do that, exactly?”

Alec was silent.

“Is it because you’re so used to being the one in power? Is that why you’re so authoritative with everyone? What a pity. I’m not your underling; I don’t have to answer you.”

As she finished speaking, the elevator arrived. Jenny walked right in, not wishing to linger around Alec. However, he refused to let it go and went in after her.

Jenny kept a distance between herself and Alec. Neither of them spoke. The air around them was stifling.

only worried about you. Pearson is not all he seems. He has reasons for being so close to you. I just don’t want you to be too friendly

shot him a look and retracted her gaze. “I don’t care if he’s not what he seems. I don’t care about why he wants to get close to me. We’re basically strangers.” Before Alec could respond, she added,” Besides, the

around.” He was

your own business, Mr.

“Dr. Walter! I…”

off. The elevator plunged into darkness and proceeded

but there were no responses. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight. Under the faint light, she pressed the emergency button, but there

“The power is out!”

How unlucky could she be? As she thought of this, she glanced at Alec, grumbling, Think, Mr. Faust.

Alec did not react.

at him. It was then that she realized his

Was he afraid?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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