To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Going Against Him

Next to Gilbert stood a woman wearing a pearl-white gown. She looked exceptionally elegant with her long hair, scarlet-red lips, and perfect white teeth. Except for the exquisite bangle on her wrist, she wore no other accessories. But even so, just her standing there was enough to captivate the crowd.

Alec was no exception.

He was stunned by her beauty every time she appeared. Although he had already decided not to inquire about her, he couldn’t help but want to learn more about her.

“Mr. Hawthorn,” Mr. Nelson greeted him with the broadest grin on his face. However, he wondered,” What’s going on? How come all the big shots decided to show up today?”

Gilbert nodded in response, “Mr. Nelson, I hope we’re not intruding on your dinner?”

“Of course not!” Mr. Nelson shook his head. He couldn’t help but glance at Jenny, who was standing beside Gilbert.

so pretty. I wonder what her relationship with Gilbert Hawthorn is. Maybe I

back down. Instead, she looked at him and

Nelson nodded. He looked at Gilbert with

look at Jenny with an affectionate look in his eyes. He

remembered Alec’s little sister just now. What a world of difference it was

“Your sister is beautiful. Your family has

gaze toward Alec and Faye, who were

along? Luckily Jenny had already divorced him. A man like him doesn’t deserve

Mr. Nelson introduced them. He couldn’t afford to offend

vaguely, “Who wouldn’t know

know one. I’ve heard of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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