To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Whoever Pays Is a Fool

Faye noticed the subtle change in Alec’s mood and started to feel very anxious.

Jenny ignored Alec and Faye. She whispered to Gilbert, “I wonder when they’re going to auction off the goods I sponsored.”

She was pretty curious about what the bids would be.

“It’s still early. Mr. Birkett hasn’t released any new work on the market for so many years. Your painting is going to be the finale,” Gilbert replied.

Afterward, he shook his head helplessly and said, “Are you sure it’s not going to be a problem giving away Mr. Birkett’s painting just like that?”

“He’s my mentor. Surely he won’t beat me up for this?” Jenny pouted. “Besides, he already gave me that painting. Of course I have the authority to deal with it.

“That’s true. You’re his mentee. I don’t think he will blame you for it.”

“Why, of course. Mr. Birkett adores me.”

The two of them spoke softly, so Alec couldn’t hear what they were saying. He could only tell that they were enjoying the conversation. Inevitably, he found it annoying.

“Brother? Ha,” he thought.

that he had feelings for Jenny. He wouldn’t believe it if Gilbert said he only had pure

auction began. The hall went

fund baby. When the emcee announced his name, he stood up and waved at the

didn’t like it, but Faye, on the other hand, was


Faye nodded. “I’m

If she was really just admiring it, why did she have to tell Alec that she liked it? Alec made a bid. Unsurprisingly, he got the diamond. He didn’t even look at it and just

his little sister? They found

auction items did not pique Jenny’s interest

earrings. We’re

seemed that everybody liked this pair of earrings. When Jenny

her enthusiasm. He raised his bidding paddle without hesitation. “Ten

Jenny turned to look at

have everything, but I do have money,” Ever since the auction had begun, this was the first item that Jenny liked. He was

this, Jenny laughed. She didn’t refuse either. They didn’t have to act

dollars caused many to back off. Although those were a great pair of earrings, it wasn’t worth more

million dollars.

“Calling twice!”

“Ten million dollars…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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