To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Mr. Faust’s Love Life

all that, Mr. Faust. I’m not interested in your personal matters.” She tried to leave, but Alec refused to move aside.“Excuse me, Mr. Faust. Please get out of my way. I’m swamped,” she said unpleasantly.Alec’s anger flared. Why was she glaring at him as if he were her enemy and as if he had committed a great crime? It was rare for him to explain himself, yet she was reacting in such a manner.“Dr. Walter, you should stop playing hard to get. People will only feel disgusted if you do that,” he commented coldly. His meaning was clear. He was giving her a chance, so she shouldn’t be ungrateful.Jenny was playing hard to get? Hearing that, she was rendered speechless. Was her resentment toward him not evident enough? Was Alec out of his mind?She quickly concluded that Alec was mentally impaired.“Mr. Faust, please check your brain when you have time. Actually, I can arrange a check-up for you right now. After all, we should be wary when the health of our brains is concerned.”“Dr. Walter!” he said through gritted teeth. “Are you saying you’re not playing hard to get?”“I’m not,” she replied without hesitation. “I’m not interested in you, Mr. Faust. Remember what I said in the ward? I don’t like people with the surname Faust.”With that, Jenny walked away, leaving Alec with his heart flooded with anger, embarrassment, and doubt.Having confirmed that Jenny was utterly disinterested in him, it meant that her hostile behavior was because she genuinely loathed him. But what was the reason?From the moment they met, Jenny hardly concealed her dislike of him. He could not recall ever meeting her. Could he have offended her once and then forgotten about it?With

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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