To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Faye’s Condition

already? I used to perform six operations a day from morning to night without a break.” Hearing that, they gave her a thumbs up. Brain surgeries were notoriously long. In addition, there were many nerves present in the brain. Hence, neurosurgeons were required to be highly vigilant throughout the procedure. One operation was enough to exhaust them, let alone six. The other doctors were too afraid to imagine it.“Now you all finally know how great Dr. Walter is,” said Morgan with a smug chuckle, proud that her idol’s abilities were finally recognized.“Yeah, yeah, we know.”“Okay, everyone. You all worked hard today, I’ll treat everyone in our department to a wonderful dinner tonight,” Jenny promised them. It was about time she had dinner with her department personnel.“There’s no need for that,” they replied, chuckling. “Our department’s director promised us a long time ago that he’ll treat us to a meal to welcome you.”They were laughing and chatting as they headed towards the director’s office when a tall shadow suddenly loomed across them. When they raised their heads, they were shocked to see Alec standing there.Why was he here again?Everyone turned to Jenny. They had heard that he wanted her to perform surgery, which only fueled their admiration for her.“Alright, everyone. See you at dinner tonight,” she said, facing them as if Alec wasn’t standing in front of her.Everyone slipped away quickly, and only Alec and Jenny were soon left in the corridor. Jenny turned to look at him, saying, “You must have made up your mind since you’re here again, Mr. Faust.”Alec nodded, saying, “I have transferred Faye here, and she is now in her ward. When will you be free to take a look?”Jenny nodded. As expected, Alec was firm and swift in his decisions and left no room for procrastination.“I can go now,” she replied. Since she had nothing to do now, it would be good for her to visit Faye. If she were going to operate on her, there would be a lot of preparations to do.With that, the two of them walked toward Faye’s ward together. Jenny didn’t say a word to Alec along the way, as if he was invisible.When Jenny finally saw Faye, she seemed to be in serious condition. She looked pale and frail, too weak to withstand even a weak gust of wind. Faye raised her head when she heard them come in, and her eyes met those of the beautiful doctor.“Alec, who is she?”“She is your chief surgeon, Dr. Walter.”Faye was visibly shocked. She had not expected that her surgeon would be so young. She would have thought he was joking if she didn’t know Alec well enough.“Hi, Dr. Walter, thank you for agreeing to lead my surgery,” she said with a smile. Her face was devoid of color, as if she would faint any second.Jenny nodded and said, “I’ve read your medical records. Don’t worry too much. It’s not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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