To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 199

Chapter 199 I Never Give Up

On the private plane back to Parrington, Jenny smiled as she watched Justin and Lilian, who were sitting beside her. In the end, the two children chose to leave Clearwater Village with her. Jenny knew that they did this because they trusted her.

Meanwhile, Alec was dealing with work. It seemed that many work matters had accumulated over the past few days.

Jenny leaned back in her seat, wondering how she would face him from now on. He had let go of everything when he heard she might be in an accident.

Could she really be with him? That was a question she never thought about. After all, she thought that she would never have to interact with Alec for the rest of her life when they filed for divorce.

Somehow, after her divorce, not only did she still meet him frequently, but he was also pursuing her. It made her feel rather uncomfortable. She tried to make sense of the situation but eventually fell asleep. When Jenny woke up, she found Alec next to her. His eyes were also closed, deep in sleep. Her heart started beating fast for a reason she couldn’t explain seeing his face so close to hers. She held her breath for fear of waking him from his sleep.

However, Alec opened his eyes at that moment and looked at Jenny. Embarrassed that she was caught, her face turned red, and she quickly turned away. “Are you awake?”

into a small smile. He had seen how Jenny

attempt to

Vincent, he quickly replied, “We’ll

looking straight ahead. Even though she knew Alec was looking at

asked softly with a

She immediately denied it, thinking

some tips on how to make you my girlfriend?” Although Jenny gave him a chance, Alec, who had never pursued a girl

She paused for a brief awkward moment before shaking her head. “Well, things like these depend on the

“That phrase doesn’t exist in my

her eyes at

Justin and Lilian followed Jenny timidly as they peered around them with wide-eyed curiosity. They grew up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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