To Be Yours Again By Taylor

To Be Yours Again By Taylor Chapter 198

Chapter 198 A Good Assistant

Jenny woke up on Alec’s hospital bed the next day. A little dazed, she asked, “Why am I sleeping here?”

“What do you think?” Alec’s voice sounded in her ears.

She was so startled that she immediately sat up straight on the bed and turned to look at him. “Why are you here?” she asked.

“This is my hospital bed,” Alec reminded her.

An unnatural expression flashed across her face as soon as she recalled what had happened last night. This is all your fault,” she said. If Alec hadn’t hugged her to prevent her from leaving, she wouldn’t have fallen asleep and slept there through the night.

Alec didn’t bother arguing with her. Instead, he got out of bed and said, “Let’s have breakfast. After that, we’ll head back to Parrington.”

“That fast?” Jenny was stunned. She got up from bed and said, “I haven’t asked Justin and Lilian what they think yet.”

wouldn’t be too late if you asked them after breakfast,” Alec

out of the tent after getting up, quickly disappearing from his sight. When Jenny left the tent, she spotted Justin, Lilian,

Vincent greeted her with a smile. However, his


she didn’t pay much attention to Vincent’s strange behavior. After nodding at him, she looked at Justin and said, “I have something

two kids followed Jenny to her

Alec’s tent. “Mr. Faust, the plane is ready. We can fly back to Parrington at any

Alec nodded, then instructed,

Vincent knew who he was referring to without Alec naming the person. Being the gossip he was, he became curious when he noticed Alec’s in a good mood

with a small

began, forcing himself to

pretending he couldn’t

in response, but he didn’t dare to ask again. Nonetheless, he figured that there was no need to ask.

finally gotten through to her?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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