Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 50: Rachel's Hospitality


The doctor was still wearing a surgical coat.

The moment she saw Riley, she immediately stood up and hurried to her side.

Riley happily ran towards the woman approaching her.

The doctor picked the little girl up with a relaxed expression.

"Why did you run off on your own? There are so many people here! What if a bad man kidnapped you?"

The woman reprimanded Riley because she was concerned for the little girl's safety.

"Mommy, don't be angry," Riley replied as she touched her mother's arm to calm her down.

That mature behavior of hers made people wonder who she learned it from.

Seeing her daughter act like this, the doctor couldn't maintain her serious expression and smiled.

Meanwhile, the nurse was also smiling when she said, "Doctor Jimenez, it's my fault.

Riley is still young and careless.

I was in a hurry to help the patient, and I had forgotten to ask someone to look after Riley in my place.

That's the reason she had an opportunity to run off.

Fortunately for us, this lady took care of our dear Riley.

She didn't let anyone take her away."

Only when the nurse said that did Clara realize that there was another person in the consultation room.

She stared at Rachel, and the smile on her face froze.

Noticing the change in the doctor's expression, Rachel glanced at the name plate on the desk.

"Clara Jimenez" was the name written on it.

"Doctor Jimenez, do we know each other?" asked Rachel.

"No, I don't think so."

Clara was soon pulled back to her senses, and regained her smile.

"Thank you so much for looking after my daughter.If it weren't for you, the consequences could've been dire!"

Rachel stared at Clara for a while before she said, "It's not a big deal.Since you're Riley's mother, I'll leave her in your care.Anyway, I have to go now.Bye!"

With that, Rachel turned around and went for the door.As Clara looked at Rachel's back, she thought for a moment before she walked up to stop her.

"Hang on."


you did.If I don't do anything to express my gratitude, I'll feel a little guilty," Clara said with a

treat you

"That's not necessary."

staring at

reason, she felt that Clara's face looked

Clara didn't admit it, the look on her face just

searched in her mind, but failed to remember anything related

did remember that she once knew a person whose surname was also

vague that she

man, and his name started with the letter R, so it

dimmed, wary of

ask me, and I'll do everything I can


indifferently before she turned

when Rachel was out of sight did

pursed her lips and said to the nurse, "Tina, help me check

"Yes, doctor."

long after Tina left the room, Clara's

phone and saw the caller ID, she paused

a smile, Clara gently

"Uncle! When Rachel went back to the nurse station, it was too late to make an appointment because the schedule of abortion operations in the first half of

if she wanted to have an abortion in the second half of the month, the


time she decided to go home, it was already

was now time for students to finish school

there was a_ primary school

the roadside, waiting for

group of children rushing out of the school gate, Riley's lovable

her eyes inadvertently falling

giving birth to a baby might not be as troublesome as I think?’ The biggest problem she § would be

4 Hearts, and it was so easy for her

taxi pulled over

decided to

to go home first before

womb also had a life, even though it still


could even begin to think about what to do about

scald me to death by serving me such a

as she walked into

serve you another one

cup with her head

someone suddenly took the glass of water

her head to see

"Miss Bennet."

at the person who was bossing Abby

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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