Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 49: Four Weeks Pregnant 

Due to the Sullivan Group's high-intensity working procedures, the leave application system was vastly different from other companies.

According to company policy, in addition to having ten days of annual leave, every employee was given the privilege of asking for fifteen days of paid sick leave in total.

Rachel knew that if she were to go to work in this condition, she wouldn't be able to do anything.

She thought that Victor would only catch her making mistakes, and he would find an excuse to fire her from the Sullivan Group, so she asked for a sick leave and stayed at home to recuperate.

Once she was done filing her leave, Rachel stayed at home for two days.

Today, early in the morning, she wore a comfortable sportswear, ready to leave the house.

When she passed by the kitchen, she saw Abby serving breakfast on the table, so she stopped and said to her, "Abby, I'm going out for a while, but I'll be back later.You and Andy can have breakfast together first."

Without waiting for her response, Rachel left the premises of the house and got in the taxi that had been waiting outside the gate for a Iong time.

As the driver stepped on the accelerator, he looked at Rachel through the rearview mirror and asked, "Where are you heading, Miss?"

Rachel glanced at her cellphone and saw the phrase "appointment confirmed", and said, "To the Flowerence Hospital."

Two hours later, she had finished all her tests and was waiting at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of said hospital.

"Miss Bennet, according to the results of our examination, you're four weeks pregnant."

The doctor adjusted her glasses and gave the detailed report to Rachel.

While looking at Rachel intently, she said, "You mentioned that you've ingested some antipyretics, but I can't say for sure whether it will cause any damage to the fetus, since you're in the earliest stages of pregnancy and it's too early to test out the effects of the medicine on the fetus.I suggest you come back here when you're twelve weeks pregnant, and schedule another checkup."

"I see.Thank you,"

Rachel replied as she stood up.

With the examination report in hand, she walked out of the consultation room without looking back.

The doctor was stunned to see her take this news so calmly.

She had been working for this department for over twenty years, and she had seen all sorts of reactions from people who just found out that they were pregnant.

Some were so delightedly excited that they — cried on the spot, while others felt depressed and panicked.

But out of all the people the doctor had seen, none were as calm as Rachel.

That woman acted as if she didn't even care.

The doctor continued watching Rachel walk away until the next patient came in.

After she came out of the consultation room, Rachel didn't leave the hospital yet.

she sat on a chair in the waiting hall, staring

She really was pregnant.

that so many things had happened in the past two days had numbed her from the shock, though

a matter of fact, she had subconsciously accepted

she heard the result, she wasn't really

had finally cleared out, and she could finally

that moment of peace did not last long,

with the child developing in her womb? Rachel didn't like trouble, let alone

it all, this

she gave birth to this child, it would only bring an endless supply of trouble

the best way to deal with this fetus was to abort it

that in mind, she had

casually, stood up, and

her right leg was suddenly held by something

see what was holding

a little girl appeared, holding Rachel's


saying that,

the child's saliva was about to pour onto her leg, Rachel lifted the girl up, staring at

did you come

idea how dangerous it was to be held by a

being scared, she

legs, reached her hand out to Rachel and repeated,

as she put the baby girl

"I'm not your mommy."

noticed that the line at the nurse station was getting longer, so she

little girl saw Rachel leaving, she thought

as she opened

the abortion over with as soon as she could,

away from the

shouted from behind

people in the waiting hall of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics were either mothers-to-be

they saw how pitiful the girl was and how loud

than ten people were staring daggers at Rachel, forcing her to stop in her

turned around, and held the baby girl in

to your mother,"

revealing her two front teeth.She hugged

not your

know how to

in front

were probably more than

to the line, her turn wouldn't come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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