Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 32: It‘s Your Turn To Fulfill Your Promise

 "My tacit permission?"

Victor wasn‘t happy to hear that.He took a step closer to Rachel; his intimidating aura could be felt by everyone in the room.

"Rachel, you‘ve learned how to keep a straight face while lying, haven‘t you?"

Judging by the look in Victor‘s eyes, he was obviously criticizing her.

If his gaze could turn into daggers, Rachel would‘ve gotten stabbed a hundred times by now.

"I didn‘t take Ivan‘s phone until you agreed, did I?"

Rachel was now having difficulties breathing.

Victor‘s daunting presence was far too strong for her to handle.

His gaze remained cold, but he didn‘t say anything.

However, as soon as Rachel explained her side, he dialed back his anger a little.

"Is that the tacit permission you mentioned?"

Rachel let out a deep sigh and said, "Ivan‘s phone is connected to the Sullivan Group‘s Wi–Fi.He‘s your closest confidant, so there should be a program in your company‘s security system specially designed to recognize his identity.Therefore, he won‘t be blocked by the security programs.Am I right? So, as long as I log into your monitoring system through Ivan‘s phone using the company‘s Wi–Fi, the program won‘t stop me."

Rachel paused for a moment before she continued, "I‘ve learned a little about computer programming before.Grandma also told me the password of your office‘s monitoring system, so that I can have access to the security footage."

When Rachel mentioned his grandmother, Victor warned her, "Mind your words, Rachel! We‘re already divorced.

You‘re no longer permitted to call my grandmother ‘Grandma‘."

Rachel pursed her lips and ignored what Victor just said.

"If you still don‘t believe me, you can ask the security department to check the footage using Ivan‘s phone.I‘m just a novice in the field of computer programming, so there‘s a big chance that I left some traces when I pulled out the security footage.If you want your men to investigate this matter, they can find it out within a minute."

Victor creased his eyebrows.

"It‘ll cost too much time and waste manpower.You don‘t deserve that."

The corners of Rachel‘s mouth twitched.

If she was strong enough to beat Victor, she would‘ve slapped his face with every ounce of strength she had in her body.

After listening to Rachel‘s explanation, Ivan immediately contacted the security department and confirmed that she was telling the truth.

Victor a glance to let

his tongue and said to Rachel, "I‘ll let you off the hook this

shoulder, forcing her to stand in front of the floor–to–ceiling window, and

that they could

a strong sense of weightlessness, and would hallucinate falling down all of

she felt dizzy for a moment.She then took a deep breath, bit her


to let go

to his chair and sat

her eyes and took a few steps back, turning her gaze

to confirm this with you one more time.As long as I give you all the information I can find on the project manager of KD Group, you‘ll

appeared on

only promised to give you an interview to work


were empty, Victor

fifteen minutes left, Rachel.Where‘s the info that you

to figure out

pull some strings

loser like Rachel would never find out the manager‘s

the Bennet Group, Rachel? That‘s just a wishful thinking!‘ Victor

you silent all of a sudden? Yesterday, you had

did find

phone to open her

email received at seven o‘clock in the

the email from Quintin about the information on the project

to take her phone to check

guarantee that it‘s true.But if you don‘t trust me, I

the information about this manager

Ivan retorted.

implying that Rachel wouldn‘t be able to deceive Victor if she tried to give him information about some

Victor, and handed her phone

I can find about the

the top of the document was exactly the same as

him," Ivan said to Victor

took the phone from

dilated when he saw

did you

exactly the same as the one they got, aside

detailed than the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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