Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 33: The Loser‘s Interview With The Sullivan Group 

Moments later, the call connected.

"When did you have the time to call so early in the morning, Mr.Sullivan? Have pigs begun to fly? Oh, if so, I must hurry outside and see such a miraculous thing happen!" said the man on the other line.

"I heard your old man is eager to have a grandson? Carson, what would happen if I send your dad a list of all your lovers at this moment? Will he be so delighted that he‘ll hold a wedding ceremony for you immediately?" Victor bantered as he fiddled with a pen between his fingers.

"Hey, man! Don‘t do that! You‘re being mean.I was just kidding.You don‘t have to take it so seriously."

Carson Scott immediately apologized to Victor.

‘‘Happy? If my dad finds out that I‘m fooling around with a bunch of women, he‘s going to break my leg–maybe both!” Victor slammed his pen on the table, his lips forming a smile.

"I‘m just messing with you," he replied.

Upon hearing that, Carson breathed a sigh of relief.

"That‘s a brilliant joke."

"Has the King of Hearts been taking orders lately?" asked Victor.

He didn‘t have any time to mess around.

"The King of Hearts? Didn‘t he disappear three years ago? I tried to place an order with him for a top secret transaction, and I raised my offer to fifty million dollars, but he still flat out refused me!"

Carson pursed his lips and said, "Honestly, I have no idea who that person is, but I think he‘s a weirdo."

After hearing Carson‘s response, Victor‘s eyes fell on the document on the table.

"What‘s up? Why did you mention the King of Hearts out of the blue?"

It didn‘t seem like Carson realized what Victor was trying to talk about.

"No reason.Bye."

Right after he said that, Victor dropped the call without waiting for Carson‘s response.

Afterwards, Victor contemplated while tapping his fingertips on the table from time to time.

All of a sudden, he started laughing at himself.

Se son The King of Hearts was the best hacker the Red Hackers Alliance had ever employed.

that he would no longer be accepting orders

had planned to entice the King of Hearts with a high price to investigate the KD

get in touch with him, so he had to spend a lot of time to

was laughing at himself was because he thought it was ridiculous for him to believe even

get ahold of him? Besides, even if she managed to find the King of Hearts,

probably just

Rachel tied up her hair, put on light makeup and a formal business suit, and headed

saw Rachel, she walked up to her and said, "Miss Bennet, Ivan has asked me to tell you that your interview shall be held on the twentieth floor, and that the interviewer is already waiting for

The Sullivan Group Rachel nodded, and walked towards the

as though she was


curious why Rachel

deceiving me?

Haven‘t they gotten divorced

heard that she‘s

Where did she get the courage to come to the Sullivan Group for an interview? Hasn‘t she had enough

who knows? What can she possibly not do? This isn‘t the first time that she‘s been so shameless.She has caused a scene in this company several times in the past, and everybody knows about it.Who would believe that

Perhaps calling her a loser would be more

Why don‘t

a sudden, a shrill female voice

female employees were startled, and they turned around with widened

who it was, they all

"Miss Jenkins."

It was Alice.

glanced at them arrogantly and snorted, "I‘m asking you a question.You‘re all supposed to be working right now, so why aren‘t

female employee standing at the end

Miss Bennet.We‘re very sorry, ma‘am.It‘s our fault that we lost focus on our jobs.We, uh...We

"What did you say?"

face changed all

the female employee


bag and asked, "Did you just say you saw

employee nodded

doing here?" Alice asked through gritted

middle stepped up to say, "She‘s here for an interview, ma‘am.Last week, Ivan told us that if Miss Bennet comes in

the twentieth floor


group of interviewers

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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