Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 34 Her Kindness Paid Off – Embarrassing Alice With Full Marks 

Everyone looked at the door in unison.

The interviewer holding the examination paper was the first to react.He took a step forward, and asked, "Miss Jenkins, why are you here?"

Alice glanced at Rachel, clenching her teeth subconsciously.

She showed them another piece of examination paper and said, "Well, I‘m here to drop off the examination paper."

"The examination paper? But I‘ve already,"

"The one you have is wrong."

Alice interrupted the interviewer and handed him the new test paper.

"This is the one she should be answering."

The interviewer unfolded the examination paper to read its contents.

His eyes widened as he looked at her and asked, "Miss Jenkins, there must be some kind of mistake.This set of questions is for—".

"It‘s not a mistake," she retorted as her eyes glinted with malice.

"That test paper is designed for the position that Rachel is being interviewed for, so it‘s the right one."

Judging by the look on the interviewer‘s face, he was hesitant to agree.

"What‘s the matter? Do you not believe me? I came here to send you this new test paper because I received a call from Mr.Sullivan.If you don‘t believe me, you can call him and ask for his confirmation," said Alice.

‘She wants me to call Victor?‘ The thought of doing that alone was enough to make the interviewer shudder with fear.

"No, it‘s fine.I must‘ve made a mistake.We don‘t need to call Mr.Sullivan to confirm this."

Alice looked at Rachel with a smug smile and said, "Well, if you don‘t want to call him for his confirmation, we can just forget about it.I‘ve given you the test paper, so my work here is done.I have other tasks that need my attention, so I have to go now."

Afterwards, she strutted away from the meeting room in her high heels.

Once she had left the room, the smile at the corners of Alice‘s lips disappeared.

She turned around, looked at the closed door of the meeting room, and scoffed.

‘’As long as I‘m here, Rachel, you will never pass the Sullivan Group‘s interview,’’ Alice thought to herself.

‘That set of test questions is designed for the position of the CEO‘s secretary.No one has ever finished that exam within thirty minutes and got a passing score ever since Victor became the Sullivan Group‘s CEO, and neither will you.‘ 

meeting room, the interviewer sighed as he handed the examination paper to

for this, Miss Bennet, I made

the test paper.This set of questions was probably four times more difficult than the

designed for the same

the pen

think that Victor wouldn‘t make this

isn’t enough to scare me off! No way in hell am I giving up! I‘m determined to save the Bennet Group!‘ Rachel took a deep breath to calm


pen at

interviewer was about to take the test paper from

was Alice

"Miss Jenkins?"


hour, Alice had come

chair, and said, "If my memory serves

The interviewer was stunned.

met her sharp gaze, he nodded immediately and replied,

that case, go on.Check the

then she taunted Rachel with

want to know my sister‘s

was astonished by

and Rachel are

Rachel was the Bennet family‘s eldest lady, they had no idea regarding her ties to

moment they heard what Alice said, the interviewers felt

looked down while fiddling with her pen, pretending like

looked at her

way, Rachel, did you know that

hearing that, Rachel looked back at

since this examination paper was first designed, and yet no

widened.She pretended to

worried that you‘ll fail this

devoid of emotion.She simply replied, "Is

calm face, Alice thought that Rachel was just

so much that she couldn‘t wait to get this woman out of her sight, but she still kept smiling

you find another company to work for.You didn‘t study hard enough before, and you lack work experience, so I‘m sure it‘s difficult for

considerate she sounded! If the old Rachel had heard those words, she would‘ve been

old Rachel was dead thanks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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