Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 46: Don't Pretend To Be Chaste And Decent

‘'He called me a whore again.Isn't there any other word Victor can use to describe me?' Rachel thought angrily.

She was already feeling uncomfortable because of nausea.

On top of that, she was exhausted from cleaning all the washrooms for the whole day, and she had no more energy left to speak.

However, this bastard came out of nowhere and called her a whore.

'I'm not a whore.I don't deserve to be humiliated like this!' 

"Victor, are you crazy?"

Rachel scolded him as she stood up.

"If you've gone batshit insane, go see a therapist! Don't you dare call me a whore! Honestly, Victor, there's no one more ridiculous than you are.You're always calling me a whore, and yet you still slept with me! What does that make you, huh? How do you still have the nerve to think that you're better than me?"

Rachel took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and glared at him.

"Yes, I couldn't bear the loneliness, so I hooked up with another man.But that's none of your damn business, Victor! Even if I sleep with—"

Bang! With a slap, Victor knocked off the water bottle in her head, splashing the water all over her face and interrupting her.

The look in his eyes was so terrifying that Rachel thought that if she wasn't a woman, that slap might've been dealt to her face.

"Rachel, how dare you? What gives you the right to say that to me? Don't you dare mention that again! You disgust me!" Victor said through gritted teeth.

Rachel also gnashed her teeth while wiping the water off her face.

Her eyes turned red with anger.

"What's the matter? Have I said something wrong? Victor, you and I had sex once! Isn't that the truth? After all, you're just a man I threw away after I'm done sleeping with you! And now, whenever I want to, I can drink, sleep, and dine with any man I want, no matter who they are!"

"Say that again!"

Livid, Victor slowly paced towards Rachel.

"I said—"

As soon as Rachel opened her mouth, Victor suddenly carried her over his shoulder.

Half of her body was already hanging from his shoulder before she had the chance to react.

Then, he carried her as he walked into the building.

you're insane! You're the worst! You're

matter how much she struggled, Victor refused to put her

entered the elevator, and pressed

arrived at the

a gust of wind

last, Victor

become paler

he was carrying her over his shoulder, her stomach happened to be

rubbed against his shoulder blade, strengthening the feeling of

was hung upside down,

throughout her internal organs, causing her eyes to

was put

they were

week ago, Victor wanted to throw her

so insane that there was no telling

stay here any longer!' Rachel

turning around to go back to the elevator.But as soon as her hand reached

seemed that the elevator's program was


screen showed the control interface of the Sullivan Group's elevator system.She clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and

to do with

step, Victor moved closer to Rachel, and

didn't take long until her back was against

of, Rachel?" Victor said, noticing the panic

looked rigid, and her eyes were

say that made her lower her head to hide the panic in her eyes; her pale lips were pressed into a

her chin,

ago, you were acting all high and mighty weren't

of his voice made

them? Rachel, you're a whore, and you will always be a whore! Do you like men that much? In that case, I will

heard that, her eyes shrank.She could feel that something bad was about to happen, but she had

wrist and dragged her to the other side of

were so tight that she couldn't

staggered along, forced to follow him into the

shut, he threw Rachel onto

fell onto the sofa and felt

addition, the leather sofa

it, Rachel groaned

to sit upright, she found that Victor had put three

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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