Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 47: Are You Pregnant 

Rachel raised the bottle to her lips and chugged down the wine.

She drank a little too fast, so wine spilled from the corners of her mouth, down to her jaw and her slender neck, staining the collar of her shirt.

After a while, the bottle was completely empty.

She threw the bottle aside carelessly and it met the ground with a loud crash.

At that point, she was dizzy as hell and had trouble standing on her own two feet.

All of a sudden, she felt a stab of pain in her stomach.

Pale faced and gritting her teeth, Rachel started reaching for the second bottle, but as soon as her fingers brushed against the glass, her stomach lurched violently.


She had just enough time to lean forward before her stomach emptied its contents on his own accord.

Her body rejected the red wine she had drunk as if it was a foul poison, its smell spreading in the air in the room fast.

Rachel, still doubled over, placed one hand on her aching abdomen.

Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead to the ground and mixing with the bright red pool of vomit.

Victor felt the urge to stand up and help her, until a thought popped into his head.

"You are not fooling anyone, Rachel.I know what you are up to! Remember that day you made a scene in the company because you were drunk as a skunk? And now you are telling me that you can't even handle one bottle of wine? Please! Go on then.Keep drinking!"

'Damn it! The old Rachel is the one that made a fool of herself whenever she got drunk! Not me!"

Rachel thought, trying to breathe through the pain.

Her whole body felt fuzzy and ached, making it impossible to tell if it was just her stomach hurting or every single body part.

But Victor seemed determined to force her to drink all three bottles.

When she straightened up, ready to reach for the second bottle, her stomach felt like it was on fire.

A wave of nausea came over her again and she couldn't help vomiting for the second time that day.

Rachel thought that her stomach would have nothing more to expel, but she was wrong.

Her body was purged from every single drop of alcohol she had so carelessly consumed.

the end, she

took place

hadn't turned on the light, so the room was dark, except from a few rays

Rachel's face and only then


final attempt to empty its now meager

she is vomiting all over the place! That's weird...But wait a second; didn't she also retch before even touching the wine?' He gave a searching look at Rachel, and a wild thought flashed through

"Rachel, are you pregnant?"

voice came out hesitant,

stand up straight, her hand gripping the sofa so tight

her to the core and her mind

use protection.Are you on

went on, sounding

mere thought that Rachel could be pregnant with his child awakened an


do if I'm really pregnant,


He hadn't even thought of

he hadn't even thought of having

climbed into Victor's bed in the dead night, sending him in a

middle of the room back then, clearly embarrassed and in tears, saying

had he said? The memory came back


you are? Do you deem yourself worthy of carrying my child? Get out while I'm still calm! And get it through your

streamed down her face as

worthy of being the mother of


hadn't even let

miracle you did get pregnant with my baby, I would insist you get an abortion! There will be no baby! Find a way to deal with

memory started fading away, Victor pondered if the answer he had given her a year

that Rachel was really pregnant with his

don't really think I'm

went on

I even had my period in the meantime.There's absolutely no chance

as she finished speaking, all the fight seemed to have left

serve as further proof that I am not with

night.It's not that easy to get pregnant, is it?' Victor thought

didn't he feel relieved when Rachel said she isn't pregnant? Why did he have that odd, empty feeling in his stomach?

narrowed his eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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