Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 43: An Apology 

The corners of Rachel's lips twitched and even Ivan couldn't suppress a chuckle.

'She really does look quite different.It's not just her look; she seems to have had a personality make-over.That's why it's so hard for people to recognize her"

Victor thought to himself, as he looked at Carson with apprehension.

"No, that would be impossible.No procedure of that magnitude could have such a short recovery time, right? By God, Rachel, you..."

Carson kept babbling as he walked around Rachel, examining every inch of her face and body.

"Mr.Scott, I assure you there is nothing of that sort.I simply changed my makeup routine.I decided to keep it as light as possible,"Rachel said shrugging and she took a step back to put some distance between her and Carson.

Arms crossed in front of his chest, Carson marveled, "Well I'll be damned! The clothes really do make the man...and a woman! Rachel, what were you thinking before, putting on so much make up? That stuff only covered your beauty! You look so pretty now that even I would..."

Carson felt Victor's stare ready to poke a hole on the back of his head.

He felt a shiver running down his spine and immediately stopped talking before he said something he would regret later.He swallowed hard and wiped off a drop of sweat that had formed on his forehead.

'What the hell was I thinking? I almost blurt out that I would love to take Rachel out.I need to get a grip! She is Victor's woman and I'm his best friend.Even if they broke up, she used to be his wife! She is off limits"

Carson berated himself.

"What's going on here?"

Victor glanced first at Ivy, who looked like a mess, and then fixed his eyes on Alice.

He didn't even acknowledge Rachel's presence.


Alice started recounting the whole story, in a small, trembling voice, her eyes lowered all the time.

Although, she conveniently left out the part where lvy had poured coffee on Abby on purpose.

When she finished, Victor's face was set in a frown.He immediately turned to Rachel.

"What the hell were you thinking, spilling hot water on her?" he shouted angrily, pointing at Ivy.

"Apologize this instant!"

Rachel stared back at him boldly, one eyebrow raised.

'Reaching conclusions without enough evidence again, Victor? Your specialty" Rachel thought angrily.

ask for my side of the story; he just

a mental eye roll,

saw the look in her eyes, he grew

That infuriating woman was so stubborn that she never

one that

to Ivy,

had turned pale with

Victor.She lowered her head and barely managed to utter, "Mr....Mr.Sullivan, it's all my fault.I am the one that should apologize to

then turned around and looked at Ivy, ready to bow

"Stop it, Abby."

strong and commanding that

and moved the girl behind her, shielding her

clear voice, "I did nothing wrong.No need to apologize for me.If anyone thinks an apology is in order, they should make it themselves.Blue veins were bulging out on Victor's neck, his eyes as frosty.He was gritting his teeth so hard

"Very good.Rachel! Well done!"

there with identical expressions of fury and challenge on

in trouble.Really..." Abby said, anxiously looking between the two people in front

taking his eyes off Rachel, Victor barked, "Ivan, send a note to the HR department! All the cleaners

in charge of cleaning all the bathrooms in the building

can't get off work until she is done and if anyone helps her, he or she will

bathrooms in this building? That

had sixty-six floors, and there were at least

of good breeding, her family one of the most

ladies' and men's- was clearly an attempt to humiliate her and

think that this was taking it

to talk

this...Isn't it a

Carson you could never resist a pretty face," Victor said

unfair, I can always make an exception

you talking about? Rachel is your woman.Who am I to tell you what to do with

snorted and

to have dodged a bullet there,

"Wait for me!"

night, the two of them were at the

the boredom, he tried his best to persuade him to go out for a drink, preferably in the company of beautiful

"One more drink, Mr.Scott?"

slim, sexy brunette asked, as she snuggled in Carson's arms, holding a

most charming smile and held

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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