Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 42: Rachel Strikes Back 

Alice and Ivy couldn't believe that Rachel-persistent and stubborn that she was- backed down so easily.

When they finally wrapped their heads around the fact that they had won that battle, both their expressions transformed into smug satisfaction.

"Thank you so much for that, Miss Jenkins!"Ivy said with a smile.

Alice waved her thanks away.

"It was nothing! Who does Rachel think she is, anyway? Telling me what to do? How dare she?"

"Right? Miss Jenkins, I did as you asked.I gave her heaps of work to complete in really short deadlines, but it was no use! She finished everything in time.I really can't find any excuse to report her.I..."

"Then keep heaping on! Or shorten the deadlines even more.I don't care how you do it.Just do it," Alice barked, looking ready to burst from anger.

"I will," Ivy replied hastily.

"I'd better go back to work now."

Alice gave a dismissive wave of her hand, so Ivy turned to go.But before she even took one step towards the door, she shrieked in pain.

"Ow!" Some sort of scalding hot liquid had been spilled on her, soaking the front of her shirt.

The skin underneath immediately turned red and hurt like a bitch.

Alice looked just as startled as Ivy, jumping backwards as some drops had splashed on her.She recovered quickly though.

"Rachel! What the hell are you doing?" she screamed, spittle flying from her mouth.

Holding an empty plastic cup in her hand, Rachel just stood there staring at Ivy coldly.

Alice's screams did nothing to wipe the calm look off her face.

Ivy flinched a little under Rachel's stare, but the pain fueled her anger until she wasn't able to think straight anymore.

She lunged at Rachel with her hand raised, ready to strike, shouting.

"You fucking bitch! " Abby's eyes widened in panic.

"Watch out," she called out to Rachel.

wearing that eerily calm expression, Rachel grabbed Ivy's wrist with one hand, just when the other was tossing the

later, that same hand landed right on

of the slap was followed

hand over her cheek, Ivy stared at Rachel in disbelief, wishing she could

just bumped into you and spilled some hot water on your shirt," Rachel said shrugging as she released

deal.One might even Say that it is actually your fault.Did you not see me coming? How careless of you! Plus, when you did finally see me, why didn't you move out of the way? If you had done that, you wouldn't be standing here now, soaked in hot

smiled faintly as she gave Ivy a taste


sneer and careless words shocked her to

fuming, her teeth clenched as she

that infuriating smile on her

fallen from grace, but I'm still a lady from the highest levels of society! I may be stuck with that menial job in the archive room, but I'm still better than you.Even people of Alice's standing aren't fit to wipe the dirt off my shoes.Who the hell do you think you are? Do you think that I really need that job? No.I am

contempt, "that a piece of trash

so thick that it was it difficult

eyes were cold as ice, making anyone looking directly at them think that their blood would

looking like this, he would have dropped his head into his hands shouting, "God have mercy on us! The boss is angry! When she smiles, flowers blossom where she steps.If she is fuming, every living thing around her will

pale at Rachel's

there, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth, but didn't really dare challenge her

party if I've ever seen one!

women turn to see who

towards them in a burgundy

theatrically and said, "Well, hello there, beautiful.You look a little familiar.Have we met before? Oh, I know! Did we sleep

looking at her from

the man's eyes, she realized

youngest son of the great Scott

addressed him as

charming women and breaking hearts left and

were that half of the women in attendance

friends, but Carson was

Alice nodded towards

dragging his eyes away from

daughter of Bennet family, right? What's your name

and snapped his fingers repeatedly as if

Alice's face hardened.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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