Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 39: Embarrassment And Concern 

Rachel was stuck in the archive room all night long.When the clock struck nine the next morning, a group of people including Ivy thundered into the room.

lvy put her hands on her waist as she said, "Time is up.I need those materials right now!"

The smug smile on her face showed that she was sure Rachel wouldn't have completed her task.

Rachel stifled a yawn and pointed to the nearest corner.

"They're right there," she said in a flat tone.

Ivy turned to look at the corner and saw two middle- sized cartons.

As they were not sealed yet, she could see they were full to the brim.

The smile froze on Ivy's face.

This couldn't be! That kind of workload would take three people a week to finish.

How could Rachel tackle it in such a short time? She glared at Rachel.

"That's impossible! How did you finish all that so quickly?"

Rachel leaned back and crossed her arms.She looked at Ivy with one eyebrow raised.

"So you are aware that the task you assigned me was too much for such a short deadline?" Her voice was light, as if they were having a friendly conversation.

Ivy looked stunned for a moment and just a little bit guilty.

She snapped out of it quickly though and retorted, her voice raised as if that could make her seem more confident.

"Nonsense.It was just a figure of speech.Anyway, you're not fooling anyone.Do you think you can just stuff random documents into the boxes? I will check them all, one by one.If I find anything amiss, I will report you to Mr.Sullivan! Then you can kiss your job goodbye! "

"Be my guest," Rachel replied, shrugging and waving her hand towards the boxes.

Seeing Rachel so calm and composed, Ivy was on high alert.She had endured the disdain and contempt of the upstairs employees too long.

It wasn't easy to get out of this depressing, underground archive room and finally have the authority to order someone- Rachel, that is- around, just like everyone else had done to her before.

'Rachel should just be a good dog and do as I say!' lvy thought, fuming.

She gritted her teeth and barked an order to the people behind her.

hurried to obey and check every single document in the

on a nearby

had been sorted to perfection and Ivy couldn't find

outrageous," Ivy murmured,

rest her eyes a bit as Ivy

under her breath, though,

doing something doesn't necessarily mean

ready to burst from anger.She gave Rachel a look full of hate

high heels on the tiled floor became more and more distant, triumph

had been assigned this impossible task, Rachel hadn't moved from

spent twenty-two hours straight sorting documents

honed during the three

of practice sorting out all kinds of documents during her incarceration, so she had come up with

case, she wouldn't have been able to finish all

exhausted, her eyes feeling heavier by the minute, so, unsurprisingly, she ended up falling

to say that Rachel was busy in the archive

Ivy didn't show up again, as she had

departments of the company needed

one assignment for a certain department, another one would come to give her

documents they asked for had been stored in that room for many,

only been back to the Bennet family's house once and stayed for only a few minutes, just enough to shower and grab some clean

Knock, knock, knock.

up, Rachel called out in a hoarse voice, "There is a list

week that it came out

"Miss Bennet..."

she had lost

eyes stung by the tears threatening to spill at the sight

sorting documents and

are you doing


she could say anything, though, her eyes

really worried for

been thin, one of those lucky people that had trouble putting on weight even if they wanted

now she had lost weight in just a week and

under her eyes were more prominent

for two days and I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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