Trapped By Tainted Love

Chapter 40: Abby Was Forced To Kneel And Apologize 

"Miss Bennet, what‘s going on with you?" Abby‘s face paled as she hurried forward to Rachel‘s aid.

"Are you feeling any discomfort? Would you like me to take you to the hospital?" Rachel waved her hand to interrupt her.

She was currently feeling nauseous, and her face made it apparent.

Moments later, she stopped throwing up, and then she gradually felt better.

The taste of vomit lingered in her tongue though.

"Miss Bennet, please sit down and have some water."

Abby helped her sit on the chair while handing her a glass of warm water.

Ever since yesterday afternoon, Rachel hadn‘t eaten anything, so she didn‘t throw up any food.

All that came out of her body was bitter, sour fluids.

Right now, her face looked so pale that it looked like she would faint at a moment‘s notice.

Rachel took the water from Abby‘s hand and drank it all.

Her throat moistened, and the bitter taste left in her mouth soon dissipated.

With tearful eyes, Abby said, "Miss Bennet, I think we should go to the hospital."

"I hadn‘t eaten much for days.Maybe that‘s why I felt nauseous when I smelled the food.I‘m fine.I don‘t need to go to the hospital."

Rachel‘s voice was a little hoarse.

She glanced at the food and said, "Abby, could you please put away the food for now? I don‘t have the appetite to eat at the moment.I‘ll eat it later."

Upon hearing her say that, Abby hesitated.

She wanted to say something, but she decided not to speak her mind.

In the end, she just lowered her head and started putting the boxes away, holding back her tears.

All of a sudden, a phone started ringing.

With knitted brows, Rachel answered the phone.


requires been sent up yet? I‘m

voice came through

the phone without

interaction, Rachel put down her phone, and picked

about to stand,

grab ahold of her, along with

focus on resting.I‘ll deliver these documents for you if

the documents, afraid that Rachel would refuse her

determination in Abby‘s eyes, Rachel smiled faintly, and sat back



she was, Rachel knew that she wasn‘t going to risk her health no matter how much she wanted

Abby had volunteered to help her, it was natural for Rachel not

get some rest, Miss Bennet.As for the other materials that need to be delivered or sorted out, I‘ll do my best to help you, if you‘ll let

Abby‘s worried face.She turned around and left the

the feeling of nausea pass

sorted materials, and bound them together.She then caught a glimpse

had been over twenty minutes since Abby left to deliver the

Rachel frowned.

to mention, she only needed to deliver the documents to the front desk for Ivy

a lazy girl who did her work

one possible explanation why

issues with

Ivy would not pass up this opportunity to vent her hatred of

in mind, Rachel‘s eyes dimmed as she left the

Ivy was glaring at Abby, pointing at her and shouting, "What the hell are you doing? How could you sully these documents with your hands? Do you know how important those are? If something goes wrong because of

it to happen.I can

towel? Are you kidding me? A towel wouldn‘t be able to wipe away coffee stains at all! Figure out

Ivy raised the pile of documents before hitting

dozen pieces of paper grazed Abby‘s face

the coffee stains on the documents, she was so anxious

"I...I‘ll take full responsibility,"

Abby stammered.

"Oh, you will, huh?"

Ivy crossed her arms.

you really think that she can get away with this just because you said you‘ll take full responsibility for what happened? I‘ll have you

no idea that things would take a turn for the

in the Sullivan Group.If she lost her job because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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