Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1211

Chapter 1211 Do You Also Think She’s Brilliant

Gregory and Timothy had the same idea too. Then, Gregory asked excitedly, “Uncle Tim, Mommy is amazing, right?” Timothy nodded vigorously. “Yeah, she’s really amazing!”

Listening to the two of them praise Tessa to the skies, Kieran didn’t know whether to frown or laugh, though he very much agreed with them. My sister-in-law is the best and brightest person in the world, of course!

Meanwhile, the wonderfully dreamlike exceptional performance was broadcast live on the website of the Sawyer Group’s media company. As a result, netizens who had initially regretted not being able to attend the performance instantly felt very well-disposed toward the Sawyer Group. One netizen commented, ‘President Sawyer is so awesome! At last, I don’t have to regret being unable to watch my muse’s performance now.’

Another commented, ‘Oh, my God! To think so many celebrities and big names in music are attending the performance!’ ‘Her music is simply divine! It’s giving me eargasms!’

The netizens lavished praise on Tessa, whereas her fans, who were very proud of her, cheered for her on the Internet in every way possible. One of them commented, ‘As expected of my diva. What a spectacular performance!’

a fan of hers all my life!’ ‘How I wish I could listen to such wonderful music every day! I’ll always

sickbed. She looked rather sulky, recalling how Tessa hadn’t visited her for several days in a row and how Timothy had always left her to Sabrina, who was

completely under Sabrina’s thumb. Usually, she dared not even make a sound, but Sabrina wasn’t here tonight because

to check on them and saw that they weren’t watching TV, she asked in surprise, “Why aren’t you two watching TV?

about watching someone play the violin?” She didn’t think Tessa would achieve much

heard this. She couldn’t help but speak up for Tessa, saying, “You’re too prejudiced against Miss Reinhart, Old Mrs. Reinhart. She’s

days because of Sabrina. Therefore, after seeing that a nurse had actually come over and defended Tessa at

how Tessa had always brought fruit for her and other medical staff whenever she visited the hospital, she decided to put up with it. She walked up to the TV in the ward and switched to Tessa’s performance. “Since you don’t believe it, just take a look. The performance is being broadcast on TV,” she said. With that, she put down the remote

upright on stage and confidently played the violin. She’d never seen Tessa like this before. At this moment, she felt Tessa was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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