Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1212

Chapter 1212 Was It Wrong of Me to Treat Them Like That in the Past

Amber was still in disbelief, though. “Is she really that brilliant?” Seeing how rare it was for Amber to talk about Tessa and Timothy so calmly, the maid hurriedly seized the opportunity to speak for them. “Forgive me for being blunt, but you know in your heart how you treated Miss Reinhart and her brother before. Even so, they’ve never thought of getting back at you; instead, they look after you at every turn.

And besides, Miss Reinhart has never given up on her dreams despite the harsh conditions she was under. Not only that, she has achieved such a level of success in the industry at such a young age. Isn’t that enough proof of how brilliant she is?”

Amber fell silent upon hearing the maid’s words. For the very first time, she began to doubt herself. Was it wrong of me to treat Tessa and her brother like that back then? For a moment, she sank deep into her thoughts…

Two hours later, Tessa’s exceptional performance came to a perfect conclusion. Still immersed in her performance, the audience stayed in their seats, unwilling to leave for a long time.

After making her exit, Tessa returned backstage, where she sat in her chair without moving. She was terribly exhausted. After all, she was so heavily pregnant and thus no longer had the stamina she used to have.

Knowing that she was tired, the others refrained from disturbing her. After a while, a commotion could be heard at the backstage entrance. As it turned out, Nicholas came in with a bouquet of flowers in his arms, followed by Tobias and Stefania.

what they were doing and greeted them deferentially, saying, “Greetings, President Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer, and Mrs.

Tessa stood up from her chair in

of course.” Nicholas stared intently at her with a tender smile hovering on his lips. “You’re so charming and

pleased as she

was spectacular. I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve

it,” Tessa said to

back at her

how the couple looked at each other, everyone felt as though the air

to be ignored. “Mommy, you’re super-duper awesome tonight! I heard many people

even brighter. She replied, “You’ll be as awesome as I

saw how oblivious his son was to the situation. Seeing his expression, Kieran and

over as well. Seeing Nicholas and others, they greeted them with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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