Always Been Yours

Chapter 1431

Chapter 1431 Beautiful Couple

'I have nothing else to say except that it's great to have you back, Darling.'

Kieran's fans wasted no time in welcoming him back and immediately spammed their good wishes under the post. Once he was aware of Nicholas' decision to inform the public of his well-being, he whisked out his phone and started browsing through the comments.

When he saw the fans and netizens arguing about whether they should place their faith in the Sawyer Group's official statement, he decided to take a selfie to soothe their ruffled feathers.

Then, he posted it on Twitter and wrote the caption, "I'm back."

In the picture, he was standing on a field dressed in a casual suit with the golden rays landing on him. He was indeed a sight for sore eyes, despite his rugged looks due to his recent stay in the hospital. He still exuded an aristocratic charm that silenced their squabbles.

'Darling's gotten more handsome.'

'I was worried that the news from the Sawyer Group was false, but I'm at ease now seeing his picture."

'I'm gonna save this picture as my phone wallpaper.'

Fans that fell for his appearance were swept up off their feet by that picture of Kieran once again.

Later on, Kieran arrived home to see a bowl of salt by the door.

Then, Stefania's voice rang out, "Throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder to chase away all the bad luck."

He felt it was unnecessary, but he still listened to her and did as he was told before joining Stefania and Tobias for lunch.

In the blink of an eye, the new year was right at their doorstep once more.

preparations for the Sawyer Group's

have nothing else to say except that it's great to

to visit the boys

attend the annual party

nodded and

Soon, it was the day of

Sawyer Group

venue was heavily decorated to make

on the stage

be the lucky ones awarded this year

some time, when Stefania saw that the party was about to start, she poked Tobias' side before striding into the

appearance immediately garnered

were well in their middle ages, they still looked relatively young as they took

Sawyer. Mrs. Sawyer," the employees respectfully greeted them wherever they

also returned their greetings

own way after exchanging the customary pleasantries; Tobias went to chat with the company's shareholders while Stefania talked to

could hear excited gasps and screams throughout the

"Master Kieran's here!"

looks so handsome

Kieran smiled at

but fangirl as they

he appeared in the banquet hall. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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