
That's what I felt as soon as Xerxes sank his teeth on my neck.

I gasped at the unwanted pressure that was building up where he had his teeth sank on my neck.

I tried to push him away but his one arm that was wrapped around me and his other hand, holding my neck in place refrained me from moving an inch.

He had me locked in a position just how he wanted.

I cried at the burning sensation that spread from my neck to all over body.

My mind was foggy and unclear.

He slowly retracted his canines back and licked my neck clean.

I felt drained of energy as if he had sucked the life out of me.

When his hold loosen just a little I pushed him away with whatever strength was left in me.

I backed away far as I could from him.

He could have caught me easily if he wanted to because my movements were slow and unstable.

My left hand reached up to touch the area where he had bit me but as soon as I touched it, it burned making me yelp in pain.

His face was blank and stoic giving away nothing.

"Wha...what did you d-do?"

My voice come out in a mere whisper.

My throat felt dry and sore.

He cocked his head and eyed my neck where he had bitten me.

"I've given you a mark"

I gulped trying to moisten my dry throat.

His words didn't settle well with me.


I breathed in deeply.

Asense of fatigue washed all over me but I tried to fight it back by blinking rapidly.

"Yes, a mark of submission.’ Came his reply.

He rubbed his jaw and kept looking at me as if waiting for my next move.

"What does that mean?"

I mumbled trying hard to stay awake and keep myself up and not to fall down on the floor.

"That means you can't defy me or my orders now"

He replied my questions without any hesitation.

"Because I am your Alpha now"

He said giving a stress to the word Alpha.

I couldn't understand clearly what he said because I started feeling dizzy and the ground started swirling around.

I blinked rapidly trying to clear my hazy state but the more I tried, the more it pulled me into it.

"I don't run..."

Before I could even finish my sentence, darkness consumed me but before I could completely lose my conscious I felt myself land on something hard yet soft at the same time.

pounding headache as if someone had knocked me

head felt so heavy as if

"You're awake"

little at a sudden noise in an otherwise quiet

at the doorway with a tray on her hand which was filled with

mouth watered at the sight of

behind her with a little help

looking at the

if I had been starved for

proving just

and my face turned crimson in


can eat after

aspirin with a

from her murmuring a quiet thank

took my medicine, she patted

placed the tray on my lap and my mouth

much as you want.’ Lucy chuckled when she saw me licking

toothy smile and

want anything else

voice was soft

because my mouth was filled with food and if I try to utter a word, I would end

smiled again before getting up and walking

mouth, my mind went back to the events that

my spoon froze mid air which was filled with food and supposed to

spoon back on the plate before my hand reached up to

burn like it did yesterday instead it felt tingly


be and continued

that was

really satisfying after


off of me and

the room, my stomach filled

my plates and a coffee cup.I saw

"Are you making cake?"

I asked Lucy excitedly.

yelped jumping a little, she kept her hand over her heart and gave me

you scare you.I am so sorry.’ I apologized quickly when I saw

loves chocolate so I

back to

That's an information.

walked towards the sink to

loves chocolate just like


what? I asked her getting

have something

she said that, I felt was something different about my

I asked my wolf thinking she

wolf asked

feel something different? Or is it just me? I cocked my head trying

Yeah, something is different.

bond is stronger

I feel it.

wolf's excitement as she said

Yeah, that's it.

I feel it too.

I realized what was the change

name is

wolf's voice faded away after she

when I finally got my wolf's

after meeting Xerxes that she started talking more with me or should I say our bond grew a

to me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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