In My Desperate Time

Chapter 50 The feeling of first love

After hanging up the phone, I still feel ill at ease.

What does Noah Jefferson mean?

“Who was that on the phone?” Frances Louis looks at me and asks in deep voice.

“No one.” I turn my head away with a guilty conscience.

“Why do you blush?” Frances Louis gives me a sneer of disbelief.

All I could do is run upstairs on the excuse that I am tired and want to sleep.

“Stop.” Frances Louis says coldly behind me, successfully stopping my footsteps on the stairs.

I know I'm so wimpy! But I can't help it. I'm just afraid of Frances Louis. He treats me not bad, but he has an innate sense of oppression.

My heart is beating, and I wonder whether to tell Frances Louis the truth or not.

But if I tell him, will he forbid me to go?

Slowly, I turn around and look at Frances Louis, don’t dare to say a word.

The man wipes his mouth gracefully and comes towards me.

The gradually closed distance makes my heart beat up violently.

Or I can just tell him. It's just a normal classmate’s reunion. I have nothing to fear.

“Wash the dishes, clean up the kitchen.”

He passes me and goes into

dying heart. Hearing what

Fortunately, Frances Louis has some conscience and doesn’t come to see me tonight. But I don’t sleep

Early in the next morning, I have

don’t have pimples. But why at the time of classmate’s reunion and I get a big pimple.

face is bitter. I have two face masks, which makes that pimple look even bigger.



put up a lot of concealer and foundation, but couldn't cover up

wait for the lights turning dim a little bit and people would not

morning, so I don’t have to

6 pm at Golden Hotel. I arrive at the hotel at 5:30 and meet Noah Jefferson at the

After a few years, the fresh and handsome young boy, his edges become more and more clear. Every move of him shows the charm of a mature

The feeling of heartbeat is very strong, I seem to go back to many years ago, back to the age of first love. He passed


Noah Jefferson strides over and gives me a gentle smile.

feel my heart skip a beat. Thinking of the pimple on my face, I quickly

In the private room, most students are here. Many of them bring

your husband? Why you don’t bring him here?” Fountain asks me.

in good relationship. After graduation, we still get connected. She also came to

so I don’t want to hide. I answer

to say this. She

right. Divorce is good

Noah Jefferson sits next to me, which makes me shy away from eating freely.

is chatting, except me. Maybe the taste of first love is so uneasy. I liked him for three years, watching him change one girlfriend after another, but

don’t dare to, not before, not now.

man like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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