Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 1454 Extra Story About Gifford (Part One)

After Erica was injured in the fire, Chantel went to the Huo family's villa to make sure she was okay. She stayed there a couple days and then went back to the Li family's house to look after the child.

A week had passed, but she still hadn't seen Gifford. She didn't have the courage to send a message or call him to ask him where he was or whether he would come back. She wasn't sure she'd like the answer.

Later, she grilled Wesley about what he knew. He told her he was on a mission. It had to do with Michel and his men. Gifford volunteered to be the main person in charge.

It had been a while, and Chantel thought Gifford might be gone for several months. However, they met up in a quite embarrassing place and time.

In a five-star hotel in K Country

Several young firefighters appeared in the hall with a large, red canvas gear bag with five zippered pockets. Preceded by a waiter, the group entered the elevator one after another.

At the same time, another man walked into the elevator. He was wearing a green military outfit, and the patch on his shoulder made all the young men snap to attention and salute him.

After saluting them as well, the serviceman stood in the corner of the elevator, listening to the young men chatting with the waiter.

The waiter said, "An actress is stuck in the bathroom. The door's jammed. We can't break down the door ourselves, which is why we called you." "Any idea who's in there?"

"Yeah, it's Chantel Ye!" the waiter replied.

Chantel was a huge star. Almost everyone knew who she was. Even if they weren't that familiar with her work, she had been in multiple commercials, did the talk show circuit, and even made the tabloids. This group of young men certainly knew who she was. The dark-skinned captain looked at his subordinates with a smile and said, "Chantel Ye, huh? Okay, here's the deal: I'm married, so I'm off the table. But you guys need a shot. Anyone who's single? Line up here!"

If they weren't in the elevator, some of them would have jumped up and down excitedly. "Wow! We're lucky, huh? We get to meet Chantel in the flesh. Not only that, but she's in the bathroom. I can't wait!" one of them said.

Another man pulled him behind him and said, "You already have a girlfriend. I'm still single. Let me do the job."

The third man pretended to be serious and said, "Stop arguing. Let me do this!"

The elevator stopped on the 14th floor. Before the people in the elevator could leave, the man in the corner had already made his way out. He waited for them outside the elevator.

and reminded him kindly, "Chief, this is the 14th floor. Weren't you headed for

him a

This is my stop!" The young men were confused, but still nodded their heads. "Okay. can leave

to them

of them were a little

gonna need tools to

said, "Chief, it's not a big deal. Let

on his face, the

was close by, so he heard

to his senses first. "Ahem! Okay!

fine!" The young man, who was holding the toolbox, quickly handed the big red bag to

they waited outside the hotel room and watched Gifford walk in

at least catch a glimpse of the forbidden fruit. They whispered

glass door to the bathroom. The door was made of frosted glass,

voice came from inside the bathroom. "I'm in here. Could you get me

it would go. He lightly placed his fingers on the sash, trying to feel the mechanism as he tried to open it. He found where the cams left the

obstruction out of the way. Gifford managed to nail it

and come in, Chantel, cowering in

the man opened

eyes. She immediately shut her mouth and breathed a sigh of

her and

problems, she didn't have time to ask why he was here. She wanted to cry but had no tears. "Well, do you

think twice before entering a bathroom with a dodgy door.

open the door. But when she managed to get it open, she walked in and the auto close mechanism engaged. It didn't close right, and she was a bit dubious. But she took a shower anyway, since

shower, she found the door couldn't be

designed the hotel was smart. There was an emergency call on the wall of the shower room. Useful in case of a fire, or for when a door was jammed. She pressed the button, and a few maintenance workers came to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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