Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 1453 The Ending Of Matthew And Erica's Story

Just like Erica, who was naughty and mischievous as a child, Erma had tricked all the servants in the family by the time she was just over a year old.

Her five brothers, or guardian angels as they were better known, not only turned a blind eye to her shenanigans, but also helped her bully others.

Several servants even threatened to resign, but Matthew found it impossible to teach his daughter a lesson, so instead he paid them three times their usual salary to keep them happy. With that kind of money, the servants were willing to put up with little Erma's devilry.

Although Erma was as naughty as Erica, they were very different in character.

Erica was branded as a troublemaker from the start and she wore it like a badge of honor in front of everyone, even her family. Erma was quite different. She would usually put on a lovely and adorable front when faced with people she wasn't well acquainted with. However, the moment she'd start to feel more open with people, she would fail to hide her mischievous nature.

Once Erica smacked naughty Erma on the bum, leaving a palm print on the baby's smooth skin. This angered Erma's father enough that he decided not to talk to Erica for a few days.

As if things weren't bad enough, Erica decided to give Matthew the silent treatment as well because he wouldn't reprimand his naughty daughter. After all, the little devil was the one who'd cause such a ruckus.

Matthew found himself caught between a rock and a hard place, as he loved his daughter too much to scold her, but he also loved his wife too much not to speak with her. In the end, he had to make his wife happy, so he asked his daughter nicely not to cause so much trouble again.

Unfortunately, such incidents occurred too many times and only Erica among all the other members of the Huo family could teach the little princess a lesson. As such, ever since Erma was a child, the person she feared most was her mother, and the person she feared the least was her father.

Matthew was so attached to his daughter he would take her everywhere with him. People would always see him holding her and singing lullabies to her. In fact, some people mistakenly thought that she was a child without a mother because they hardly ever saw her with Erica.

However, it wasn't really Erica's fault that she hardly spent any time with her daughter. On many occasions, she'd wake up in the morning and her husband would have already taken their daughter out. Sometimes Erica would protest that Matthew was deliberately stopping her from seeing her daughter.

The five brothers loved their sister so much they would babysit and take care of their precious little flower without hesitation.

Paige admired Erica's strength of will. Many years ago, Erica had told her that she would give Matthew five sons and now she really had five sons with Matthew.

Not only did she give him five sons, she even gave him a daughter.

While she was taking care of the kids, Paige took a short video of them and uploaded it on the Internet. She had no idea that the video would get a millions "likes" in just a day.

That one post made her account so popular that she would receive countless private messages from netizens who wanted more videos about the little princes and the little princess of the Huo family.

Fearing that Erica would blame her, Paige admitted her mistake to Erica first and then showed her the short video she had taken for the children.

angry? But I also

what she had meant, so she only took videos of the children on special

attention of tens of millions of fans, who waited for her updates

find more free time for herself. She started narrowing her client's list and spend more time traveling to take landscape photos to her heart's

accepted an order every half a year and the money she earned wouldn't even cover the expenses of her camera lens. Fortunately, money was no longer an issue for her because her husband was so good at that department. Gradually, she began to run her studio solely for the purpose of creating art rather than making money.

only work

bright. The trees rose to the occasion, donning their best

bicycle with a big beam

to come meet him downstairs, he stood beside his bicycle, chest puffed up with pride as

handbag between her fingers. Needless

roses in his arms to the woman. "Honey, can I invite you out for

happily took the champagne roses and kissed the man on the lips. "Of course,

go! We are going

you going to get

mysteriously and folded the bicycle before he put it in the trunk of the sports car. Then he held Erica's hand and slowly walked her to the passenger seat. Like a true gentleman, he held the door for her while she sat

the keys to the ignition, Matthew said, "Our home is a little far from the seaside. So

'Oh, I see!'

later, the sports car stopped in front of the open yard of a villa. Matthew took out his bicycle from

confusion, "Is this one of our properties too?" After they had six children, Matthew had his people buy a few more houses for his family. Erica

to the point where Erica felt as though they

Matthew answered with a smile. The children were all in the Huo family's manor. Their babysitters for the night, Evelyn and Terilynn, were taking in charge of their welfare. Since the children were in the hands of responsible


the highway along the coast, Erica let the drone fly first and then ran to Matthew

his long legs and sat on the

of his arms and waved at Erica.

I need to sit in the front?" Erica had

"Yes!" he answered.

on the bike, but she wasn't brave enough. "It will be embarrassing if I were to break it..." Although she had lost more than ten pounds, she

her confidence. "Don't worry. This is a pretty sturdy bike!"

the front beam of the bike. When she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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